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'She wore her smile like a loaded gun'

- Unknown.


It was still weird for you to go to parties like these. Spending your whole life inside the beautiful prison you always yearned to go out and have fun with your friends. Friends. Again, you never thought that you would make any friends other than Sehun and Jisoo.

Not that you looked at Sehun as a friend.

But here you are with two dangerous boys in a night club with guns and yet, you don't feel scared. In fact you were comfortable and were at ease that they were with you. Jimin and Jungkook, both were at the bar standing on each side of you. You three were waiting for a man.

He was from Brazil and you guys were here to make deal. It was simple. Bangtan will give them drugs and guns and they will give Bangtan lands in the international country. And that's why the three of you were here.

- Aish why is he so late?

Jungkook said sipping on his drink as Jimij flipped his hair backwards. You were drinking your apple juice quietly as a man approached you. He looked quite young and well built, his brown hair was pushed back but some strands of hair were on his forehead.

- Can I buy you a drink?

He asked as you three turned around your eyes widened because of how handsome he was. Jungkook and Jimin just exchanged glances raising their eyebrows.

- She don't do drinks

Jungkook was quick to answer as you looked at the man and nodded, he chuckled

- Is he your boyfriend?

He asked as you shook your head as a no.

- they are my friends.

- So would you like to dance? Or you can't do that either?

He asked as he laughed and you were just blank. You did felt excited because this was the first time a boy asked you to dance with him but a strange feeling settled down your stomach and your heart screamed his name. But then you remembered that Taehyung was probably fucking your sister right now.

- Sure I can do that.

You said as both busan brothers eyes widened as Jimin held your hand.

- Actually we are quite busy so after we finish our work you can dance walk crawl or fly I don't care.

All he said were lies, he wanted to stop you because he was getting suspicious of that guy. Why would someone suddenly show up to a girl who already has two boys sitting with her?

- It is fine just call me when we need to go, I'll be right here.

You said getting up as you looked at the man who smiled sweetly at you as Jungkook held your wrist

- Miso, be careful okay?

He said as you nodded your head and you understood what he was saying. Not to spill any information. Both of you went to the dance floor as you laughed and danced you felt really good as if you were a normal teen with no issues in her life. But of course life hates you.

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