Cannot lose.

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" I can be feminine in all my rage. I can be girl and woman and, claws with teeth. Watch me burn"

- Venetta Octavia.


- Because I love you dammit!

You fell silent, it was as if everything was silent around you. Nobody was speaking as you looked at the man in front of you. Your whole body turned numb when he said those words and then suddenly all of the emotions hit you on your face. You realised how wrong your were. Up until few days ago, you always thought you deserved someone better than Taehyung.

That a person like Taehyung won't understand what love is and he would never be able to reciprocate your feelings. Like always, he will only make a fool of you. But after your marriage you started seeing things differently. He was changing like he said. But you never let your mind think about those things a lot. But now you realised

You really did not deserve Taehyung. Taehyung deserved someone better. 

You burst in tears as you looked down and Taehyung had a hard time hiding his tears. He felt utterly betrayed. Taehyung remembered his mothers words that how he should treat his woman the best and decided to change himself with you. He thought he gained your trust, your love. He thought he finally learned how to love. But he was wrong. Taehyung disappointed himself when he found about you knowing his parents death for so long. He wanted to understand you. He wanted you to make him understand. He wanted to be with you and act as if nothing happened as if you never betrayed him. Taehyung realised something in the middle of it, 

Taehyung did not deserve you. You deserved someone better than Taehyung. 

And now looking at your face with tears streaming down it he felt more broken than ever. You leaned your head on his chest as you shook your head. 

- I am so sorry Taehyung. I am so sorry that I have lied you, but I was so scared. I was so scared that you would leave me after learning the truth. I was afraid that you will be mad at me that your parents, t-they 

But before you could completed the sentence he pushed you away as you looked at him. 

- I would have never done it. You know it! You know it better than anyone! You made me promise that I would never hide any thing from you, and Park Y/N, I kept my promise. If there is a God above he knows I kept my promise, while you? You were going around hiding so many things from me. 

He said as he held the back of your neck as he pulled you towards him, both your nose touching as he looked at you, his own eyes filled with tears. What hurt the most was he called you a Park, which means he started to think that you are one of the Parks again. 

- Remember, that I am not mad at you because my parents died saving you and your mother. I am mad at you because you chose to hide the biggest answer of my life. 

He spat angrily as you held your breath. 

- Taehyung, you lied to me multiple times too. You have betrayed many times too. 

You said as he laughed pushing the hair out of his forehead as he slammed his hand beside your head as he looked at you. 

- I lied to you because of a greater good! And moreover the truth behind those lies did not mean a great deal to you. For fucks sake the truth did not revolve around the goal of your life!

He said as he held your neck again but this time a little harder as if he was broken once more by your accusation. He could not believe you were comparing these two situations. 

- I wish you stay alive for a long time. Spend the rest of your life remembering the lies you have fed me. And when you realise what you have done come back to me. Goodbye Y/N. 

He said as he kissed your forehead for a minute before walking away and you were left there. You wiped your tears as you took a deep breath in holding your gun tighter.

- Come on Deok Y/N, you have to fight. You cannot give up. 

And with that you got up and strode outside the small room. 

And the war begun. 


More than an hour later you were with Jungkook. You lot were still not understanding how were there so many people coming. Most of your men were dead and many were injured. You turned as you slashed the man who was coming for Jungkook as suddenly you both were held. A man punched your face with an iron rod as your vision turned black and you were unconscious. 

Jungkook turned as he kicked the man trying his best to fight the men but he was weak now and unarmed. The man kicked his face as he fell on the floor, unconscious. 


You woke up as your head was hammering. Slowly, opening your eyes you looked up and to your horror you saw Taehyung who's head was down and he looked in a bad shape. Cuts were on his arms, and it was still bleeding. You could not see his face because of his hard but you could imagine it. You started shaking violently as you looked around the room. You never saw this room before, the room was all white and there was a glass which was tinted black. You yelled at Taehyung but he was not moving and the worst thoughts were entering your head. 

- He is not dead, if you are thinking that. 

The voice made you flinch as you started moving again. You recognised the voice. It was Park Beom- Seok. And if he is here, that only means one thing. 

- You have lost. 

He announced as you stopped moving and stared in front of you. You cannot accept it. Bangtan could not lose. Just cannot. It is impossible. You heard the clicking of heels as you saw the door open and Chaeyoung came inside, she was wearing a pretty dress and there was not a single scratch on her body. You glared at her as you tried to reach for her but the chains which were tied around you resisted it. 

- Hello dear sister. Looking good, aren't we? 

You let out a growl as she just chuckled nodding her head. 

- Shocked? How could this happen? How can we win, when we didn't had the weapons or men? 

She asked, an arrogant look on her face as you were silently glaring at her. 

- If you forgot, we have been in this game for more than 20 years. And he-

She said showing Taehyung who was still unconscious. 

- He thought he could collect all the gangs who were once ours? Just like that, so easily? 

She mocked as she laughed covering her mouth while you wanted nothing more to rip her pretty hair out. 

- Where are the others? 

You asked, worried about the rest of your friends as they were no where to be found. She looked at you as she placed a finger under her chin pretending to think when she said laughing. 

- Dead


Hey lovelies!!

How are you? 

Pls don't kill me pls don't kill me pls don't kill me pls don't kill me. 

What do you think? Did they really lost? 

Thank you, I purple you. 

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