Unnamed, Unseen, Untitled.

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Jung Jihoon is a rat. You figured it out once you saw how he behaved with women, you saw the footage of him where he was last spotted in a small bar in the outskirts of Seoul. You could see him flirting with young girls and boys. You heard groans as Taehyung got up and you all looked at him.

- Eunwoo and Jungkook will be coming with me, the rest of you be here.

He announced as you all nodded, they got ready and left the mansion for completing the mission. You all sat down as SeokJin and Nayeon went inside the kitchen to cook something since everyone felt hungry. You sat down on the floor as Yoongi came and sat beside you and you looked at him.

- Jeongyeon called, Silva found something.

He told you as you sat straight and looked at him now with full attention.

- What did they found?

-Apparently, the Vipers are mainly there. Which means, Brazil is their biggest base. Which also means Black Mamba is made their in the biggest quantity.

You listened to the new information well as you nodded.

- That only means we have to go to Brazil, if we have to destroy the making of Black Mamba completely.

- That's not the only place it is produced, Silva assumes that there maybe most probably three places where it is made and then they test on different country people.

- What are the other three places?

- They are still trying to find it. I am assuming once we get a hold of Jihoon we will be able to gather more information.

- Once we get the other three places, we go there and destroy the factories. Simple.

I said as he shook his head sighing.

- It's not as simple as that, Y/N. Just because Black Mamba is still not out in the bigger markets doesn't mean it never will. You never know when the drug is ready, it maybe ready now and they maybe just waiting for the right moment. We need to do everything fast but in a right way. One mistake and we all will lose our heads.

He explained as you gulped and nodded. You were always realising how serious this situation is.

- If only we would have known who our enemy is, we would have known his tactics and strategy is it would have been a lot easier for us.

He said as he let out a frustrated sigh, pushing his hair back.

- He must be powerful.

You admitted as he looked at you.

- He must be very powerful if he has so many people working for him and he hasn't revealed himself yet. That only shows how powerful he is.

SeokJin and Nayeon came with food as all of you gathered and started eating the noodles. Soon, after some time you heard car noises and you knew Taehyung was here. It has been five hours since they left and you were started to grow worried for him. As soon as they entered you saw Taehyung's white shirt was now red, half of his shirt was filled with blood as you ran towards him.

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