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" I had a feeling so peculiar that this pain would be for evermore"

- Taylor Swift, evermore.


You groaned as you opened your eyes. The rays of sun peeking through the thick curtains as you sighed wanting to sleep more. Hands wrapped around your naked body and your blanket covering your body as you turned around and snuggled in his chest more. Your safe place. Kim Taehyung's arm was your home, your safe place. You looked up at him as he smiled at you and kissed your nose as a giggle left your mouth.

- Do you know how much I love you?

He asked as you bit your lip and nodded your head.

- I guess, I do. You showed me that yesterday night, my husband.

Taehyung hovered above you as he caressed your cheek, his eyes clouding with lust again as you could not wait for what was coming next.

- But I would like it if you show me again.

You whispered as Taehyung smirked and kissed you deeply, both of your tongues matching each other's speed as you pulled away catching your breath but Taehyung just kissed you again as his hands glided down, caressing your thighs and slowly his two fingers were inside you. You were still sore from last night, but the thrill and pleasure you get when both you and Taehyung are intimate was above everything. You gasped as he curled his fingers, taking deep breaths he fastened his pace and you bit your lip hard to stop yourself from letting out a loud moan.

- Do you like that? I will fuck you so badly that you won't be able to walk out of this room, my love. Do you want that?

His voice was rough and deep as he slowed his pace and a mewl left your mouth.

- Answer me!

He commanded as you nodded your head furiously

- Yes, yes I want that.

- Tell me what you want, princess?

- I want you to fuck me hard, Taehyung.

Taehyung and you came to an understanding that, both of you in fact, hate the word 'daddy' during sex. He asked if you would like to call him that because he hates it and you said you hate it too.

'if you would call me that, I feel like I am Park Beom-Seok'

He said. Instead of that, he thought you calling him his name would be much more better as he loved you saying his name.

Taehyung growled as he pulled his fingers out and inserted his cock inside you slamming it in and out as you moaned loudly. You grasped his biceps as he was pounding himself fast and hard. You were out of your senses as you rolled your eyes and a moaning mess. After sometime he pulled himself out as he plopped beside you, pulling you towards him as he planted a kiss on your bare shoulders.

- Are you ok?

He asked as you nodded your head, but your body was aching.

- Your body must be aching. While showering I will give you a massage.

You narrowed your eyes and looked at him suspiciously as a throaty chuckle left his mouth and you immediately smiled too.

- I promise I will try to just massage you.

- Try? Kim Taehyung!

- Yes, Deok Y/N?

You smiled as you shook your head. You were always very happy that Taehyung respected your decision and still called your Deok instead of a Kim although you were supposed to be a Kim now. 

- I know I will love you forever.

He suddenly confessed as your stomach did a weird flip as you got up and looked at him.

- I know I will love you evermore.


You got up as you realised you dreamed of that day again. The days where you were truly happy. You wanted to cry but there were no tears left, you looked outside the window as you saw it was raining.

Winter was near, but Taehyung was not here.

Taehyung won't be here with you. You just prayed he is safe and will move on soon, because you know there would be no way they would find you. The Vipers know what they were doing and only if you escape which won't be possible now. You have to wait until you know everything and the real reason they have abducted you and keeping you here. One of the reasons is Arsene but it is not only that.

- Are you awake, My queen?

At the sound of his your thoughts were disturbed and you were back to living your nightmare. You have to start going back to your old self if you want to go back to your home, Taehyung.

- I have brought breakfast for you, I thought it would be better if I eat my food with you.

He started talking as he brought the tray with him, it had a coffee and a crème sandwich and some strawberries. You looked at him as you felt utterly disgusted, but you knew something. You can manipulate the shit out of this man.

' You can conquer the world if you want to, if you think you can do it.'

Yoongi's words ringed in your ears as you took a deep breath in and looking at him after a month, his blue eyes seemed shocked when you met yours with his. You saw the white scar on his cheek, his usual curly hair was styled back and he was wearing a grey sweat shirt and white pants. You tried to smile as the words which left your mouth felt like daggers stabbing you all at once.

- T-that was th-thoughtful of y-you.

His eyes widened as he kept the tray beside and came to you as he placed his hands on your shoulders and you flinched.

- You talked? You spoke. Oh my! You don't know how much happy you made me happy.

He hugged you tight as your heart started stammering and you started to breath deeply. If he is to believe you actually accepted him, then only he will share whatever secrets he is hiding. You will make them pay for what they did to you and your baby.


All of the Bangtan assembled together. After three months, all of them were together again, but a piece was missing, you were missing. Jeongyeon was in the corner as she has been quiet the whole time, after Taehyung, SeokJin was the one who thought his world fell apart when you disappeared. He always thought of you as his little sister whom he lost and he never thought he would lose you too and he was in agony when he lost you too. But he promised that he will find you back.  Your mother was there too

- I have got the news, everything is true. They are in fact in Iraq, and they don't know we are coming for them.

Madam Deok stated as Taehyung nodded his head. All of them were going to Iraq as planned.

- We must stay lowkey then, it will be better that way. Make them think as if we are busy with the other problems.

Yoongi said as everyone agreed to him. Soon, they all started to get inside their plane and landed in Syria first. Eunwoo figured out that The Vipers could check the airport arrivals and it will be better if they landed in Syria and then they will go to Iraq by car. The Vipers have been living in a small piece of land near the sea side which was abandoned for a long time. After two days journey they finally reached the land.

Taehyung's heart started beating loudly and he knew. He knew you were here.

And he was coming to get you.


Hey lovelies!!

How are you? What do you think? What will happen now? does Y/N's mother has good intentions? Will Taehyung bring Y/N back without any trouble? Will they live?

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Thank you, I purple you.

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