Chapter 2

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Shinobu's POV

In around a hour I had arrived at "Wisteria" a neighbouring kingdom/town. Well known for it's fantasy-like plants, animals and specimens for healing.

I thought it might have been to obvious to go here since my fake parents know that I wanted to come to here to study to become a doctor.

But I didn't mind since at least I would be able to get a job to settle in, as I can't live in the streets forever.

"Woah this kingdom sure is beautiful and quite curious" I quietly said to myself.

I knew that I would have to find a place and get a job but for now I just wanted to explore

Guess I was bit to forgetful of time, I completely forgot about finding a place so I just settled to stay near the shores with the forest.

It wasn't the comfiest but it worked out for me to have somewhere to stay for now. I closed my eyes and fell asleep..


I felt being carried by someone..

Then I opened my eyes and realised

The blonde guy from before was picking me up!?

"CRAP! He found me!?" I thought to myself as I proceeded to yell at him.

He started chuckling and then stopped and looked at me in the eyes and said " You don't think I would let you go so easily?" He chuckled even more.

"This weird guy again?!" I thought "I told you I'm not gonna be your stupid concubine!" I yelled at him

"Well your opinions doesn't matter, shinobu" he said in a dark voice which I can't lie gave me creeps. He proceeded to tie me in a rope which I was unable to stop because of his grip was stronger than mine.


He really thought I was that stupid? He tied me tight enough to stop a normal sized girl from escaping. And well even though I hate to say this I'm quite short for my age, I'm 4'11".

I quickly wiggled  to get out of the rope as he was busy writing a letter, who I assumed was to my fake parents.

I quietly ran far away from him without stopping or looking back. I knew he would realise sooner or later but I had to do something. I would never be that guys concubine! It's just not right and pretty much illegal.

I heard him yell "COME BACK HERE YOU BITCH!". He's quite stupid to be honest, should of noticed sooner! Never mind that I need to hurry he's getting closer.

"CRAP" I thought, he had catched up with me already. What is up with that guy, is he superhuman or something?

"Caught you shinobu-chan ♡" he said with a creepy flower aura around him. This isn't good, he's really fast. I need to get away as soon as possible!

I ran even faster without looking back at that gay looking elsa. Without realising I bumped into a tall  person, I looked into his eyes, they were quite beautiful.

They kinda reminded of the sky at night, a mesmerising sight to look at. You could look at it for hours.I stared at him for a few minutes without realising.

"Um. Miss? Do you need anything from me?" He said, making me snap out of it.

Shit! Shinobu focuse!

"I- sorry but I have got to" I quickly said. "Watch where your going but why are running at midnight-" he asked looking a bit concerned. "Nothing I need to go! So please get out my way!" I said quickly looking at my back.

"Sorry to question but why are in such a hurry? Are you in trouble or something?-" he questioned. "SHIT HE'S COMING" I accidentally blurted as I looked behind my back. "Who?" He asked. "None! Give me a favour. If a blonde guy with a hat asks about someone who looks like me say that you haven't seen them!

"I- alright I guess?" He said in confusion. I had no time to waste and started running and his under a loader thing. "Shinobu-chan~ where are you? You know it isn't funny doing this!"  I heard him say as he soon approached the emo looking tall man.

"Ne ne! You! Have you seen a short girl with short black-to-purple hair with a butterfly pin?" The blonde guy said. "I- no?" The emo guy replied back.

Without realising I had been staring at the tall emo. Wow not gonna lie he does look good looking- SHIT WHAT ARE YOU THINKING SHINOBU?! But seriously he is good looking. He has bright dark blue eyes if you can call it that. He had long back messy hair tied in a ponytail. And a mismatched haori...


Wasn't that the description of the most wanted prirate in W-wisteria?! Fuck, I just ran into a criminal!

"Oh wait you mean that lady under the loader thing?" The emo guy said in confusion. NOOO IM DOOMED WHYDID HE RAT ME OUT?! "Well simple, she's my concubine but.. she's a bit stubborn and won't come with me~" he told him.

"Now, I must go get shinobu-chan~" he said and started moving towards where I was.

"Bye bye!" He said happily. I started running as fast as I could. Then without notice, the emo guy approached me. How did he catch up so quickly? Is everyone turning superhuman or something-?

I can't get distracted, I have to get out. "You seem in trouble" the tall guy said. "Well no shit sherlock" I replied. Crap, I just forgot he was a pirate. I'm doomed.

"Look, I know that you know who I am. I have a deal for you..." he said. "What deal?.." I replied curiously.

Well that's was chapter 2, hope you guys enjoyed it. Chapter 3 will hopefully be uploaded either tomorrow or today.

Bye bye! Have good afternoon/morning/night.

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