Chapter 4

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Shinobu's POV

I fluttered my eyes open as i feel something poking me. It was kanae.

"Morning sleepyhead! She said. "Morning nee-san!" i replied back. "Come on, get ready or they'll be no more breakfest left for you" she teasingly said and giggled.
"Alright, alright i'll get up" i said. "Hurry so you can meet the others!" she said and went off while giggling.

I quickly got up and then realised that i had no other clothes. Well that was dumb escaping without other clothes. I'll go ask nee-san if she could lend me some.

I got out of the room and went to where i guessed kanae would be in as i could hear lots of sound from their. I knocked and asked "Hello is anyone in their?". Then kanae opened the door and asked me "Shinobu your done already?". "No, i just wanted to ask you if you could lend me some clothes as much as it sounds stupid, i didnt bring any before escaping." i asked a bit embarrassed.

"That's fine! Honestly i almost did the same mistake too!" she said. "Almost?" i asked. "Before i escaped i remembered i didnt have clothes with me so i brought as many as i could with me" she explained.

"Now that i think of it maybe i should of escaped in night so i could have packed at least clothes" i muttered just loud enough for her to hear. "Oh wel things go the way they go dont they?" she said making me realise that she heard me.

"Anyway, let's go get you some clothing or you won't be in time for eating breakfest!" She said with a smile. "Alright!" I said and followed her back to the room.

After a bit, she got some clothes and showed me. "Here!" She said and handed the clothes to my hand. "Thank you nee-san!" I said to her. "No problem anyway hurry or you'll be late to eating" she said and strode of.

Alright time to put these clothes on! After a bit, I put them on. I went to go to the mirror and see what nee-san gave me to wear.

I know you guys are probably thinking kanae gave her something weird or shit.

I looked in the mirror and see she gave me a light purple and pink kimono along with the white-to-pink-to-teal haori I was using. Cute! It kinda looked like what she's wearing except it's pink and yellow.

I wore my sandals I had when I came here and hurried to where I found kanae. I knocked and once again kanae opened the door. "I'm done nee-san!" I told her. "Oo! I know it would match you! Anyway come in." She replied back to me.

I awkwardly entered the room, their i was a guy with white hair and red eyes. A guy with gold-to-red hair and red eyes. A really tall guy I mean really tall guy with black eyes and white eyes? Their was also a girl with black hair and orange tipes with purplish eyes. A guy with yellow hair and yellow eyes. Another guy without a shirt with black-to-blue and green eyes.

"Ohayo!" Mitsuri said to me. "Ohayo mitsuri" I replied back to her with a smile. "Hey shinobu, could you help me with the cooking?" Kanae asked me. "Sure, nee-san!" I replied.

I helped kanae finish up cooking. The people thanked us for making food. "Shinobu sit with us!" I heard kanae say. "Okay!" I replied with a smile. I sat with mitsuri and kanae,I had been really hungry as I had eaten nothing yesterday.

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