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13. (gareth on side)

Everything went great at Louis and Harry's announcement party. That is until he showed up. Niall should have been expecting it. I mean he is Louis cousin after all. And Niall would have been totally civilized with him, but he had to go and be his cocky, conceited, and deluded self. Niall just couldn't take it, he just couldn't. So he did the worst thing a submissive could do, attack a fellow dominant.

Then after Niall was pulled away by Liam, police came barging in trying to arrest Zayn. Justin went mad, tried to attack one of the police officers, so he nearly got arrested, Harry and Liam had to make a few calls, Louis was crying, and then people started to leave.. it was awful.


"Congratulations, Lou!" A familiar voice sounded. Niall's breath got caught in his throat, that's Gareth. The same Gareth that told Niall he loved him, did a few dirty things with him, told everybody that Niall was a shït fück- even though they never had sëx, then dumped him.

"Oh, thanks.. Gareth", Louis whispered, eyeing Gareth suspiciously. Louis was not fond of Gareth after her hurt Niall, but they were still cousins.

"Gareth, Gareth Tomlinson, Louis cousin", Gareth introduced himself, holding out a hand to Harry. Harry grinned widely, totally oblivious to the glares Niall and Zayn were shooting at Gareth.

"Hiya mate, Harry Styles- Louis dominant", Harry said taking Gareth's hand, shaking it firmly.

"Wow, the Harry Styles, of H.S Housing Estates?" Gareth asked. Harry's face lit up, it's not everyday somebody recognizes you for being C.E.O of one of the worlds biggest realistate agent firms.

"Yup, that's me", Harry nodded. Gareth turned around to be met with the stern glare of Zayn. Gareth cleared his throat awkwardly handing his hand out to Justin. Gareth would have been intimidated by Zayn but c'mon.. it's Zayn.

"Gareth, Gareth Tomlinson", Gareth introduced. Justin smiled shaking his hand politely.

"Justin, Justin Bieber, this is my submissive- Zayn", Justin introduced. Gareth nodded his head towards Zayn,"We already know each other".

"Oh", Justin said, he eyed Zayn weirdly noticing the menacing glare he had aimed at Gareth.

"Hello Zayn, long time no see right?" Gareth said smirking. Zayn ignored him and continued mind-killing Gareth.

"Zayn, don't be rude", Justin whispered austerely. Zayn groaned quietly, and Justin took note to punish Zayn for that later.

"not long enough", Zayn said monotone, no enthusiasm. Louis snickered, only to be given a small pinch on his underarm to shut up by Harry.

"Zayn! I will not have you be so rude like this! I apologize Gareth, he's usally well behaved, i don't know whats gotten into him", Justin scolded. Zayn rolled his eyes at Justin's ignorance.

Gareth chuckled awkwardly,"It's fine honestly". Gareth turned around and was met by a questioning and curious gaze from Liam.

"Woah, the Liam Payne!?" Gareth merely yelled. Liam chuckled, which was very much fake. Liam wasn't buying this guy one bit. Liam may be a lot of things but hes definitely not stupid. Something's fishy with this guy, Louis seemed off with him and I mean, their cousins for fück sake. Then Zayn being extremely disrespectful towards him. And Liam certainly noticed Niall's glare too, and the hurt swimming around in his blue orbs. This guys hurt his sub-bear.

sub-bear [niam] 18+Where stories live. Discover now