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{{ so like not to brag..but... i updated twice in one day....hA }}

"Let's go in here", Liam says pulling Niall into a boutique which sells authentic designer children clothes.

Niall picks up a blue Ralph Lauren polo top with a large green horse on the front and a large green bold 2 on the back,"Look at how cute this is!"

Liam chuckles,"Real cute, try and pick some more clothes, they haven't had time to buy clothes so lets try and help them out yeah?"

Niall nods and runs off to the Armani section. Liam turns around and looks back at the little elephant necklace. Liam smiles and picks it up and turns it around,"£69.99".

"Perfect", Liam mumbles.

"Done!" He hears a Irish voice yell, he turns around to see Niall holding a huge pile of clothes.

Liam barks out a loud laugh,"Have fun picking out half the store Ni?"

Niall blushes,"Everything was just too cute".

They walk over to the cashier to pay, once everything has been beeped through and placed it about 11 bags, the price is high enough to make the cashier gasp a little.

"Uh.. that's £23,980 please", The lady mumbles.


The lady puts Liam's card in the card machine, and turns it around so Liam can enter his pin. Once everything's done they grab their bags and leave.


"Oh my goodness, Liam and Niall this was totally unnecessary but thank you!" Harry grins, Louis was too busy fangirling over these white booties Niall got with Niall.

"These are adorable, Harry! Look!" Louis yells shoving them in Harry's face who just laughs.

"Uhm, Harry.." Liam trails.


"I got something for the baby, personally", Liam mumbles pulling out the little box.

Harry gasps,"Liam..."

"Its nothing really, just a lil' something from his uncle", He smiles handing the necklace to Harry. Harry takes a minute to admire the little gold elephant necklace before pulling Liam into a tight embrace.

"Thank you", Harry whispers.

Harry turns around and walks over to Louis who is now looking at the collection of Ralph Lauren polo tops. "Look Lou", Harry says.

Louis turns around and gasps softly, a hand covering his mouth. "You got this?" He asks Harry. Harry shook his head and looks at the blushing Liam,"Liam did".

Louis smiles brightly at Liam an slowly gets off the hospital waddling over to Liam, Liam opens his arms and Louis happily waddles into them. "Thank you Liam".

Louis gives Liam one more smile before he walks over to Harry and admires the necklace properly.

"When did you get them that?" Niall asks wrapping his arms around Liam's torso resting his head on his chest.

"When you shoved the polo in my face", Liam laughed. Niall giggles and breaths in the musky smell his dominant brings.

"That was so nice of you Sir", Niall whispers quietly looking up at Liam.

Liam leans down and pecks Nialls lips softly, he brushes back Nialls hair,"I love you".

"I love you too."


short but cute.




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