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{{ so today i went a little crazy in hmv (a music and movie store where you can buy merchandise n stuff too) and I went a bit crazy because they had new green day merchandise and they never have green day merchandise so I had too.. but unfortunately my mum took my credit card but at least I have some new posters and green day merchandise😊😊😊😊}}

"No dada, that's not right", Little Calum huffed putting the lego blocks together the way he thinks is right.

"He is just so cute", Niall gushed staring at little Calum. Calum was wearing a dragon costume. Zayn and Justin brought him shopping for clothes and all he picked were costumes, he hates wearing normal clothes and throws a fit when Zayn or Justin try to dress him in anything 'plain'.

"Isn't he just", Zayn whispered watching Justin and Calum play with the lego's.

Zayn turns to Niall and whispers,"So? Me and Lou are starting the family card, what about you?" Zayn asks. Niall freezes.

"I don't think Liam want's kid's right now Zee", Niall whispers sadly, trying to make sure Liam cant hear their conversations.

"What makes you say that", Zayn whispers scooting closer to Niall. Niall glances at Liam who's laughing at a joke Harry said.

Zayn ushers Louis over, Louis waddles over and Zayn helps his sit down. "What's this about?" Louis asks.

"Niall here, thinks Liam doesn't want kids", Zayn fills Louis in. Niall is still glaring at the floor.

"Did he say why?" Louis asks. Niall glare hardens, why are they speaking as if he isn't there?

"Not yet", Zayn says turning to Niall. Niall sighs and shuts his eyes,"Listen can we just not talk about this right now", Niall pleaded looking at his two best friends sadly.

"Please Nialler", Louis begged, Louis admits that he's addicted to gossip but there is something a bit deeper lurking and he wants to know what the hell it is.

Niall sighs again,"Liam just never really talks about having children, and when i bring it up he snaps at me and ignores me for the rest of the day".

"Aw, Niall", Zayn coos pulling the watery eyed Niall into a tight embrace. "He's only just learnt to accept the fact your able to have kids, so just give it some time, yeah?" Zayn whispers.

Louis on the other hand is glaring at Liam, there is something ore fishy going on and Louis is going to find out what the hell it is. "Hey Ni..?" Louis says, not removing his gaze from Liam.

"Yeah Lou?" Niall says looked up at Louis, still in a tight embrace with Zayn.

"Does Liam ever go out at all?" Louis asks.

Niall sits up and looks at Louis confused,"Yeah, sometimes".

"Does he ever say that you cant go with him?" Louis asks.

Niall shakes his head,"Liam brings me everywhere with him now that i'm collared." Niall replies.

Hmmm...Louis thinks, what the hell is going on with Liam and the idea of having kids? Influence maybe?

"Have you met his parents yet?" Louis asks.

"Whats up with all thes-"

"Just answer please", Louis says now looking at Niall who looks a little frightened.

"No", he whispers. Zayn frowns and so does Louis. They've both met the parents, so why hasn't Niall?

"Okay", Louis says quickly. Louis gets up and waddles over to Harry and Liam who are conversing happily.

"Hey love", Harry says standing up kissing Louis on the cheek. "May i speak with my master please, Liam?" Louis asks faking his sweetness. Liam smiles and nods,"Sure, anyways me and Niall should probably get going, i'm taking him shopping today".

Liam stands up giving Louis a curt nod and hugs Harry then walks over to Calum and kisses his cheek. He pats Justin on the back and exchanges a few words before giving one last nod to Zayn and leaving with Niall; who looks extremely sad.

Harry turns to Louis,"What did you want to speak to me about?"

"Uhm, Whats Liam's parents like?" Louis says twiddling his thumbs.

Harry chokes on his spit and peers at Louis with wide eyes,"Why are you asking?"

"Please Harry, this is for Niall", Louis begs.

Harry sighs,"They're nice people Lou, just very strict, well Jonathan is anyway". Harry says whispering the last part and scratching the back of his neck.

"Jonathan?" Louis asks,"Is that his father?" Harry nods and sighs,"Lou you cant let anyone know i told you this, Liam would hate me".

Louis grabs Harry hands,"I promise, just please i need to know".

Harry nods,"When Liam was a kid Jonathan would make him sit in the closet and recite textbooks, if he did bad or messed up he would make him kneel on rice. Jonathan would also tell Liam things.."

"What things?" Louis asked.

- WARNING :: super sensitive topic -

"About how men who were able to conceive should have the baby ripped out of their stomach and burned." Harry whispered.

Louis gasped and tears filled his eyes, he wrapped his arms around his stomach protectively. Harry pulled Louis into a hug whispering things about how he'd never let anyone hurt him or the baby.

"That's horrible", Louis sobbed.

- done-

Harry nods,"I know, but Liam would never listen to him, thankfully- but its still a hard though for him ya'know".

Louis nods,"Poor Liam".


sorry about that i felt so uncomfortable writing it you don't even understand. This chapter made me sad. i hate liam's dad.

the story line ahead will be quite sensitive and sad so if you don't like that stuff then skip the next few chapters.

again sorry if that made anyone uncomfortable because i hated it but i needed a really controversial thing..soz


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