Chapter 12. Forgiveness

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"Dude, why the hell would Chloe invite me to her party? Like I get why she'd invite you, but not me. I can't even remember the last time Chloe admitted I existed," Nino said to Adrien that afternoon in Nino's room. Surprisingly, Adrien's father had allowed him to go to Nino's, as long as they were doing homework. They did do some, of course, even if it was only for 5 minutes.

"You need to remember she doesn't have that many friends, and turning 16 is kind of a big deal." Nino nodded in agreement, but still remembered when he turned 16 the year prior. All he had gotten was a happy birthday from his family and a call from Max later that night. He had found some macaroons from the Dupain-Cheng bakery at his front door, but Marinette being Marinette did that for everyone's birthday.

"I don't even know what I'd get for her dude," Nino said, looking at the very expensive looking invite. Adrien reached into his satchel and pulled out his own envelope with the invite inside, the dark red, very fancy looking stamp opened neatly, unlike Nino's. "I don't think anyone knows what to get a spoilt brat who hasn't been grateful for one thing in her life." Adrien chuckled.

"Just show up and tell her how nice she looks. That's really what most people like her want."

Nino continued studying the card, when he asked, "You going to ask Marinette to go with you?"

Adrien looked at him in confusion. "What do you mean?"

"I just figured that since it's a ball type thing dates would be a thing. And also, you two would look pretty cute in matching tie and dress." Nino smirked and raised an eyebrow at Adrien.

Adrien smirked right back at him.

"Only if you ask Alya to go with you." Nino felt himself go red.

"I don't know what you're talking about," Nino said, scratching the back of his head.

As he said it, he couldn't help but imagine him in a large hall, lights dimmed, and him and Alya twirling around the room in each other's arms to the music. Him, looking very casual in jeans and a tuxedo t-shirt, and her, looking almost beautiful, he had to admit, with her long hair in a high pony tail and long orange dress that fluttered around her ankles.

"I mean, you have Alya as your date, and you dance with her and drink punch together and all that stuff, and I'll ask Marinette. Do we have a deal?" Adrien asked, holding out his hand for Nino to shake. "Ah ah ah," he said, pulling his hand away as Nino reached for it tentatively. "You need to ask Alya before I tell Marinette, because I know you'll chicken out if we do otherwise." Nino looked at Adrien with worry in his eyes, as he took Adrien's hand and shook it. 

"Deal," they said together.

Adrien's phone buzzed, and he picked it up and sighed. "Gorilla's outside to pick me up."

"Gorilla?" Nino asked, laughing at the idea of a gorilla driving a car. 

Adrien smiled. "My bodyguard. Don't actually don't his name. I'll see you round dude." Adrien picked up his satchel and walked out the door, waving to Nino's parents and brother as he left.

Nino took his cap off and Wayzz flew out, as he heard Adrien's car drive off from his window. "Before you ask Alya anything you should talk to Rena Rouge about yesterday, or at least tell Master Fu you told her." Nino fell back on his bed and groaned. "Take your own advice Nino. It might do you some good."

"I really don't think Rena wants to talk to me at the moment, Wayzz."

"Then that sounds like something you need to change. Do you really think she's going to talk to you first?"

Nino shook his head

"Well then you need to talk to her. And soon. Because like Adrien said, you'll chicken out otherwise."

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