Handprints on the Bathroom Mirror Pt1 🔞

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Finally, I'm home! I've just spent the last two weeks working in Paris for fashion week and I'm exhausted. Everyone thinks being a model is fun and glamorous but they don't see all the pain and hard work that goes on behind the scenes. Don't get me wrong, I love being a model, especially one of the highest paid ones. But it too has its negatives.

The worst is having to be away from my fiancé a lot more than I want to be. Jungkook is a self-made businessman who built his company from the ground up. It wasn't inherited from his family. With his extensive knowledge and expertise, it grew into one of the leading software companies in the nation. He's now a successful CEO as a result.

We met at his first product launch party a four years ago. I was his friend Taehyung's date. Weird I know, but it's not what you think. Tae felt inadequate compared to Jungkook who is a CEO while Tae merely worked for him. Needing an ego boost he asked his cousin who is model if one of her model friends was willing to be his date for the party. That's where I come in. Our date was only for show. By night's end I was naked and sweaty in Jungkook's arms after multiple rounds in his office. How'd this happen you ask?

An hour after arriving at the party, Tae spotted his crush who was there with her boyfriend. But drama ensued between the couple causing her to leave in tears. Tae rushed out to comfort her, leaving me alone. Jungkook caught me as I was leaving. He was appalled that his best friend abandoned me like that. When I explained that it wasn't really a date, Jungkook was relieved and happy. He convinced me to stay and he never left my side the rest of the night.

Admittedly the sexual tension between us was intense from our introduction and it continued to grow as the night went on. The flirtation, the constant touching, and whispers in my ear made my skin tingle and my heartbeat erratically. Despite several women trying to get his attention, he only had eyes for me. Before driving me home, we stopped by his office to get some papers.

While waiting for him, I stood looking out the floor-to-ceiling windows at the view before me. He came to me then, pushing me against the cold glass window, lips latched on to my neck. His hands, desperate to touch my skin, nearly tore my dress off until I pointed to the zipper. Another two seconds and my dress was pooled at my feet. He spun me around and raked his eyes up and down my body hungrily. They stopped at the only piece of fabric left on my person. With a grunt, he ripped the lace throwing it on the floor as if it had offended him somehow.

"That's better." He licked his lips before smashing it down on mine.

He took me right there, pressed against the glass. Our hands and lips in constant motion touching and tasting each other. When my legs were about to give out, he carried me to his desk and placed me on top. This was the second round. My legs wrapped around his waist while he thrusted into me, his eyes never leaving mine. That may have been when I fell in love. We did it a third time, starting with me riding him on his chair and ending up on his couch.

He took me home to his place where our first stop was the shower. I'd be lying if I told you we didn't do it there too. Afterwards he dried us both then carried me to his bed because walking was impossible for me by then. Before falling asleep, I heard him whisper.

"I think I love you."

The next morning while cuddled up in bed, Jungkook confessed that he'd never had a one-night stand before. It was a first for me too. Yet there was no denying our instant connection. It was that strong and I do believe we are meant for one another.

Showering after a long flight always relaxes me so that's what I did first. It was mid-afternoon and Jungkook wasn't due home until later. I was going to rest first then prepare a light dinner for us to eat. Next we'd cuddle on the couch while listening to music and catching up. The night would end with us making love before falling asleep. This was our usual routine after being away from one another.

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