Afraid to Love 🔞

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The radio is at a low volume as I drive on the highway. My mind is miles away from here, fixed on her stationary form laying on the bed. Her lips slightly parted with her dark long hair splayed all over her naked back visible from under the sheets. My reverie is broken by the sound of my ringtone at this early five o'clock hour. On our third date, she made her favorite song to be her ringtone on my phone. I listen to the tune play while a lone tear fell from my eye. The speedometer is at one hundred, yet I couldn't get away fast enough.

I'm sorry....

THREE WEEKS EARLIER (at a friend's engagement party)

The party was in full swing. My buddy had rented the pool/bar area of a fancy hotel for his engagement party. He told me he had invited a lot of their old friends from college tonight which meant I was probably going to see her. Y/N, probably the only woman my impenetrable heart, has ever opened up for. Of course, she never knew that because I was too much of a coward to let her know.

I grew up in a broken home, my parents married to each other yet never gave a damn about the other. I watched them hurt each other, trying to outdo the other with their infidelities. They tried keeping their affairs a secret until one day they simply stopped caring. Dad would be with his flavor of the week while mom with hers, in bedrooms next to one another, trying to see who could be the loudest. I was out of there after graduation, choosing to live on my own in college.

Unfortunately, all that baggage made me not want to ever get in a relationship. Thru them I learned that all it ever does is bring about heartbreak. So while I dated, I never let myself get too close to anyone. To me, girls were mere companions on lonely evenings. To be fair, I always made my intentions clear. I don't do relationships; I would tell them up front. Those who gave themselves to me knew that going in and most had no regrets. There was the occasional one-off who thought she'd be the one to change me but would soon learn she was sadly mistaken.

I met Y/N during my second year, both of us having some classes together. She was friends with my friend's girl at the time. I was attracted to her looks initially. She was everything I could ever ask for in a woman. But since we had that connection through our friends, I kept a safe distance and never asked her out. It was obvious she was a relationship type of girl and I wasn't going to do her wrong like that. Over the next several months, I guess you could say she became a friend. Still my attraction to her lingered, always there hovering over me. I successfully avoided any entanglements with her until our senior year.


It was our graduation party and everyone was living it up, many drunk out of their minds. The moment Y/N stepped into the party, my eyes were glued on her. Wearing a figure-hugging dress, showing just the right amount of skin drew many men's eyes on her. But to me she was more than that. Perhaps it was the thought that everyone was going their separate ways after this, that gave me the best and worst idea I've ever had.

I had several drinks under my belt but I wasn't drunk yet. She was at the bar getting herself a drink so I took the opportunity to talk to her. She'd had a few drinks too and apparently felt daring that night too. Over the years we had flirted with one another, but her knowing how I am with girls, she never took it to heart. Something this night was different though. I knew it from the way she looked into my eyes. A few drinks later we were on the dance floor, our bodies rubbing together deliciously. I've never wanted to kiss her more than I did that night. Eventually my resolve broke and I gave in. We kissed and it was fireworks. We made out on the dance floor for a while. My hands roaming her body as she pressed herself to me as close as possible. I wanted her desperately, for her to surrender herself to me completely.

I led her to an empty bedroom to which she eagerly followed. She slammed me against the back of the door and locked it herself before dragging me over to the bed and pushing me down until I lay on my back. She climbed on top of me while unzipping her dress in one quick motion. Before I knew it she was straddling me with her dress pooling at her waist, her bra-clad upper body on display. She was gorgeous and I knew then the most beautiful woman I'd ever seen. She bent down and connected our lips while my hands grazed her bare skin.

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