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The loud roar in the arena rings in my ears as we take our bows on the stage. Each idol is waving goodbyes to the fans after the awards show. Making sure we greet every section and send them our love, we carefully maneuver around other idol groups. In my periphery he is there. My heart rate quickens as he nears. His head is partially turned away but I see a smug smile adorning his face. The backs of our hands gently brush against each other as we pass one another, creating an instant spark that shocks us both. The line of idols are caught in a traffic jam of sorts so for some moments, we both have to stand in place, side by side. I smile and bite my lip knowing how crazy it makes him. As expected, a low growl emits from his throat. His fingers grab hold of mine for a second then letting go as if nothing happened. The action is hidden from view by Chaeyoung who is right behind me. My lips turn up in a grin knowing that I have a rendezvous with him later.

For two years our relationship has remained in the shadows. Dates held under the cover of darkness or held indoors. We chose to keep our relationship out of the public eye for now. Idols managing a relationship is hard enough without having to deal with public scrutiny. Lately we've discussed going public so most likely it will happen soon. We are getting tired of the secrecy.

I've always admired Jungkook since I laid eyes on him at my first award show as a rookie. They were headed back to their seats after performing when our eyes locked on each other. I couldn't stop sneaking glances in his direction the rest of the night. After we started dating he confessed to doing the same with me.

We attended the same events several times that year but nothing happened beyond glances when the other wasn't looking. The following year we had comeback at the same time so our paths crossed more often. For three weeks, we promoted at the same music shows which meant we were constantly bumping into each other backstage. That's when he finally made a move.

"Good luck." He whispered so low that I almost didn't hear him when he suddenly came up behind me.

"You too."

I return his stare trying to seem unphased. Actually, I was trying not to melt into a puddle because his close proximity was making me feel all sorts of things. Our songs were up against each other for the first time and we're waiting to go on stage for the closing. There was no way we'd win against them but that didn't prevent me from getting nervous about the results.

"I'm Jungkook." He extends his hand for a handshake which I readily accept.

"I'm Y/N, nice to meet you."

We didn't win but I gained something even better that night, his admiration. The next day at another music show, he gave me a bottled water with his phone number scribbled on the label. We texted back and forth for weeks until he eventually asked me out.

That date took place a month later, after a long day of work. He drove us to a secret location which turned out to be a hilltop park overlooking the city. We were the only ones there. We sat on a blanket he laid on the grass, munching on food he packed for us. That was how it all started. We clicked easily, and by the end of the date, we were taking like we'd known each other for years. Tonight, is the second anniversary of that date. The location is secret again, like every anniversary dinner we've had.

After the awards show I went home to change for our date. Then I waited for him to message me, fully expecting him to pick me up as usual. This time he didn't. Instead there's a knock on my bedroom door from Chaeyoung, one of my members and best friend.

"Ready?" She laughs at my confused state. "I'm here to take you to your date."

"He asked you, really?"

She nods and motions for me to follow her. "Come on, your prince awaits." There is a car waiting for us outside.

"I thought you were driving?"

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