Chapter 2

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I had been sitting here watching Niall for about ten minutes. I swear he didn't move once. The only assurance that he was still alive was the rising and falling of his blood stained chest. I wonder if his nose stopped bleeding since Liam put the washcloth on it. Looking around the livingroom, I debated whether or not I should check or just let Liam when he gets back inside.

Making the final decision, I got up and moved closer to Niall moving my hand slowly to grab the washcloth. I lifted it up carefully and took a deep breath seeing the mess of blood all over his nose. I leaned over him and gently tried to wipe up the blood. Suddenly his eyes opened and he pulled back making me jump.

"Ahh!" I screamed throwing the washcloth at his face. I sat back on the table watching him sit up and grab his head in pain.

"Who the hell are you?" He asked. He stared at me waiting for an answer.

"I uh... I'm-" I was interupted by Liam running into the livingroom.

"Calli. What's- Oh my god Niall are you alright?" He turned his attention to Niall and I went to the sink to wash the blood that I got on my hand off. My stomach suddenly felt weak and I took a deep breath focusing my attention more on the conversation in the living room.

"I don't know where they even came from. I was just walking to Harry's and they just jumped me out of nowhere." He got jumped?

"How many guys were there?" My brother questioned him. They were both sitting up on the couch now.

"I think about three. There might been more but I'm not sure." He spoke. Then he turned his head and looked right at me making me turn back to the sink quickly. "Who is that?"

"My little sister Calli." Liam said his voice bringing more of a protective tone. I could feel them watching me. I needed something to do to make this less awkward. I started putting our food on the table.

"That's the sister you're always talking about? Oh my god. She's ho-... I mean she's... older than I expected." He covered up and I felt my cheeks burn. Brushing a strand of hair out of my face, I slid the chair out from under the table to start eating.

"Sure." Liam whispered. He then called to me. "Calli you can take your dinner in your room. I have to talk to Niall about something real quick."

"Okay." I nodded and picked up my plate, heading towards my room. The door slammed open and I froze slowly turning around.

"Dad. You're home." Liam jumped up from the couch as did Niall and I backed up a little. Dad looked angry.

"Where are you taking that?" Dad asked pointing towards the plate in my hand.

"I told her to go eat in her room so I could talk to my friend." Liam explains quickly.

My father started stumbling towards me and knocked the plate out of my hand. I gasp and Niall backs away slowly. I turned to Niall, who was absolutely terrified. "Get him the hell out of my house!"

Niall started running towards the door, "I'm sorry sir." Niall paused in the doorway and looked at me concerned. Almost like he didn't want to leave, for the safety of us.

"What are you waiting for you lil' shit?" Niall got shocked back into reality by my dads rude remark. My father started walking towards Niall like he was going to hit him. Niall looked up and ran out the door. Liam looked at me as if to say get out. I was a little afraid to move. Anything could set dad off.

While dad was screaming at Liam, I started to cry. My father scared everyone, even Liam. Liam always told me that once I graduate, we would be free to go anywhere and not stay in this hell hole. After about two minutes my dad started walking away from Liam and headed towards me. Liam tensed up. I couldn't move, it's like my body was paralized with fear. Stomping and stumbling my dad got into my face, I could smell the alcohol in his breath. It smelt like he drank the whole bar.

The Gang // AU One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now