Chapter 7

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I had just gotten out of the shower when I heard the television playing in the living room. I grabbed my hair brush as a defense and opened up the door. Still in my towel, I started walking to the living room. None of the lights were on except the faint pantry light in corner of the kitchen. A chill ran down my spine when the a.c kicked in, the house was suddenly uncomfortable. The creek on the floor boards and the static on the tv was the only sound in the house. My heart beating a thousand miles a minute, the grip on my hair brush getting tighter each step I take.

My body was paralyzed when I heard someone walking in my direction. I peered around the corner, one hand on my towel and the other on my hair brush. If this is a burglar I'm going to die. The heavy breath of the other man was pouring into my ear. With all the courage I had, which isn't a lot, I fully looked around the corner into the room. My heart jumped out of my chest and I jumped back. That's when I ran right into Zayn.

"What are you doing up so early?!?" I managed to say in between my gasps for air.

"What the hell does it look like I'm doing. I'm watching tv!" He motioned towards the television.

"You don't even live here!" I hissed.


"Which window did you break?" I asked looking over at the windows in the room.

"Wha- Do you honestly- you know what. Nevermind. And for your information, none. I stole one of my mom's bobbie pins. Locks are really easy to pick. Now what are you doing galavanting around in a towel at six thirty in the morning? Huh?"

"Uh. Just in case the wet hair and towel didn't already give it away, I just got out of the shower."

"Why are you showering so early? Don't we have daytime for that kind of stuff?"

"There is a girl that hates me and three guys that live in this house. You really think that I'm gonna take a shower when they are all awake."

"What, you afraid Niall might join you?"

"What is this twenty questions? Continue watching your damn Spongebob and let me brush my hair." We both laughed and went back to what we were doing.

I was moisturizing my face, my towel kept slipping out of nowhere, Coldplay blaring through my earbuds.

I looked around the room and turned around to the cabinet to get my mousse when my towel got yanked off. Luckily I was wearing underwear but the top half of my body was exposed. I screamed at the top of my lungs and put my arms to cover up my chest. Zayn. I don't know if this is his suicide mission but he is going to get it.

"What the fuck Zayn!" I hissed.

"Language." He laughed.

"Dude, give me the freaking towel!"

"Why? You got a nice bod." He bit his lip, letting his eyes roam my body.

"I'm going to choke you." I glared at him, feeling slightly uncomfortable.

"Well, you would have to move your arms to do that." He winked.

I turned around and ran into the shower behind the curtain. "I will scream for Liam if you don't give me that god damn towel."

"Ugh." He threw the towel at me, "You're no fun! Snitch." He scoffed and walked out of the bathroom. My life is over.

I put the towel back on and ran into my room and locked the door behind me. Living in this house has been a unique experience. I got dressed into baggy sweat pants and one of my summer tanks. I couldn't even look at Zayn the same way ever again, I couldn't stand showing any curves or skin around him. So I put on one of Liam's old sweatshirts and walked out of my room to make some pancakes. I decided to make some for everyone since it gave me something to do. I always made breakfast at home so I'm kinda used to it.

The food was all done after about 20 minutes and then I didn't know what to do. I wasn't sure when everyone was going to wake up so I wrapped up most of it and stuck it in the fridge. I took two plates and filled them. With a few moments of hesitation, I finally pushed myself into the living room and put the plates on the table. One in front of Zayn and the other where I sat on the other couch.

"Thank you." Zayn smiled. I sat down and tried to eat my food. It was just so awkward. What is it with me and these boys? The only one I'm not awkward around is Liam but he's my brother so that really doesn't count.

"How often do you sneak into this house?" I asked Zayn.

"Technically I'm not sneaking in. Harry and Jenna know I come here. But to answer your question, I come here every Saturday morning. It's either that or I have to listen to my mom and dad fighting all morning." He told me. When I first met Zayn he was quiet and kind of shy... Boy was I wrong about this guy.

"Oh." I couldn't really say anything else. I was too tired for talking. I scarfed down my food and lay down to watch some tv.

"Please don't tell your brother I ripped your towel off. He'll rip my head off." Zayn begged and I let out a laugh.

"Don't worry I'm not like that." I told him. He sighed in relief.

"Thank you."

"Are your parents nice?" I asked him catching him off guard. He looked at me confused like he was thinking.

"They're okay. But I don't really enjoy their presence most of the time." He answered truthfully.

"My mom was nice. She always listened and gave me gifts even though she could barely afford it. She worked her ass off to keep me and my brother alive. So did my dad." I told him. He smiled at me.

"My parents are... Very protective. They don't like who I hang out with. They think something bad will happen to me if I do." He explained. "We're not bad people. We may do bad things but were like a family. We would never let anything happen to each other."

"Sometimes it's nice to have someone that's a little too protective. I don't think I would be alive today if I didn't have Liam." I admitted to him and to myself. I knew I couldn't have lasted without Liam for protection.

"Liam's a good guy. It's a shame he got caught up in all of this. You too. Out of all of us, you and Liam don't deserve this. We had a choice in this life. You two didn't. And it sucks." He added.

"No one deserves my old life. I think everyone deserves to have a family that loves them. Someone to protect them." Zayn smirked at me.

"What?" I asked.

"You're good with words." He laughed.

"Thanks." He looked up and I turned to see Jenna watching me. She rolled her eyes and went back into the hallway.

"She doesn't hate you. She just hates that she's not the center of attention." He assured, although I was not sure of that.

"I'm not trying to be the center of attention. I didn't think I was." I said confused.

"Well she seems to think so. Maybe because everyone's trying really hard to make you feel welcomed that no one cares about the new eyeliner or outfit she bought." He shook his head.

"It's fine. She's not the first person that doesn't like me." I mumbled.

"Don't mind the people that give you crap. Focus on the people that really care about you... Like your brother, me, Louis, Harry... And Niall." He winked and I blushed. "C'mon you like him."

"No I don't. He's a good friend but that's all." I told him.

"Whatever you say." He let out a laugh.

"But what about you? Any girls you have your eye on?" I quizzed.

"Nope. Unless you count the truck I've been saving up for." He was flipping the remote in the air.

"What truck?" I asked him.

"It's an old one. Mr. Miller brings it to the shop every week asking if anyone wants it. I always say I'm trying for it so he told me he was saving it for me." He explained and I nodded.

"Sounds like you really love it." I grinned.

"Yes. If I could get married to a truck it would be that truck." He said making me laugh. Zayn wasn't that bad.

The Gang // AU One DirectionWhere stories live. Discover now