I woke up to Theodore jumping on my bed along with Pansy.
"What the fuck" I say trying to bury myself under the covers.
"Come on little lady get up, we are going to hogsmeade" Theo said ripping the covers off me.
"Where's Sylvia?" I ask noticing she wasn't here.
"She's at breakfast with the others" Pansy said smiling.
I get up walking towards my wardrobe to pull out a skirt and top.
"I'll be five minutes" I say walking into my bathroom.
When I walk out I see Sylvia,Robin,Pansy,Theodore and Mattheo sat down on mine and Sylvia's bed chatting."That was not five minutes!" Pansy jumped up roughing my hair up a bit.
"Yeh sorry I was having a shower to you know freshen up like a normal person Pansy ,you should try it!" I laugh now pushing her playfully.
She laughed with me .
"Shut up" she rolled her eyes sitting down on my bed.
Mattheo didn't look at me at all.
"So we all ready to go?" I say looking at everyone .
"Yeh girl!" Theodore said grabbing Y/n onto his lap.
"Should we wait for Nova?" Robin asked.
Sylvia stood up and shook her head.
"Nah SHES on a date with Luna" she said grabbing a bag.
Mattheo was now looking at me as Theo whispers something into my ear.
"You look lovely today love" he said smiling at me.
"Not to bad yourself" I say back trying to avoid eye contact with Mattheo.
Me and Theo have got much closer.
At first we just teased each other but now we are genuinely friends.
Mattheo rolled his tounge on the inside of his cheek as he leaned back on Sylvia's bed.
"Can we go already?" He said grumpy.
Theo laughed at Mattheo's grumpyness
"What so your actually hanging out with us again?" He asked Mattheo honestly.
Mattheo sat up quickly to look at Theo ."I wanted time alone Nott is that a problem?" Mattheo said instantly making more tension between the two boys .
"No problem I just think it's funny that you ditched us off for two weeks and now you are bossing everyone around like we are your little bitches" Theodore said pushing me to the side so I was sat next to him on the bed.
"Theo your not my little bitch but if you want to be I'd be happy to make you my little bitch it would be easy enough considering the only personality trait you have is fucking girls and being a twat" Mattheo said carmly.
That's when Theo stood up ."Your such a fucking prick you know that" Theo said .
Mattheo was still sat down looking up at Theo with a smirk .
Mattheo wasn't threatened by Theodore by any stretch of the imagination.
"Come on guys stop being annoying men for a sec yeh" Pansy said getting in between the two .
Robin laughed along with Sylvia trying to make the situation seem like a joke.
While I sat quite looking at Mattheo.
Theodore sat back down this made Mattheo smirk more and turn his head towards me.
He looked me up and down from my thighs up to my eyes and smirked while looking to the side at Sylvia.
Did he just undress me with his eyes?
This bipolar bitch?"hogsmeade"
We all went and got a butter beer and chilled out talking and having fun .
Mattheo had sat next to me which confused me slightly considering he hates me and what happened last night.
"Yeh so Astoria broke up with Diggory again yesterday in charms it was so fucking funny" Sylvia laughed.
Me and Sylvia weren't in the same charms class."I wish I could've seen that!" I laugh and look at Pansy and she nods in agreement.
"He probably broke up with her because he was basically trying to get in my pants at the party" I say rolling eyes and taking a swig from my beer.
That's when Mattheo's hand found its way to my thigh .
He started drawing circles on the inside of my thigh .
"Yeh but it's not your fault cedric's a dick" Pansy pointed out.
"I didn't even know who he was let alone that he had a girlfriend" I laughed .
Theo looked over at me .
"Diggory is a asshole for taking advantage of you like that" he said getting up and going to get more butter beer he seemed pissed.
I just laughed nervously.Cedric didn't take advantage of me sure I was a little more drunk then him but it was mutual decision to go somewhere private.
Cedric also asked if he could kiss me first."Diggory is a cock I should've kicked his ass a bit more" Theo said still rubbing my thigh under the table out of sight ,almost trying to comfort me?
The girls all looked at Theo confused.
"Wait Theo u beat Cedric up at the party?" Robin asked highly confused.
"Nah not at the party in the hallway." He spoke as he took his last swig of butter beer.
He was so weird he hated me and now he is saying how he should've beat up Cedric more for what he did to me.
"Yeh well it doesn't matter considering you slut shamed Y/n anyway" Theodore sat down next to Robin staring at Mattheo."I was being a asshole because Y/n left me to do OUR project alone and I needed her that night because there was a lot of work to do" he stated .
Everyone now was more confused.
"Hold on you were meeting up to do a project when?" Sylvia asked .
I gulped slightly "yeh for Slughorn we did the moon cycle" I say smiling awkwardly.
Theodore shuffles in his seat and laughs .
"still doesn't change the fact you were a asshole tho was it Riddle" Theo wouldn't leave it and yet again it got heated.
"Fuck off Nott you know nothing " Mattheo response made Theo more angry.
"Yeh sure I don't-"
I cut off Theo .
"Stop it! Both of you Cedric didn't take advantage of me he was drunk too ,sure I was a little bit more drunk but it was mutual ok!! Your right Theo , about everything yes Mattheo was being a dickhead About what happened but I don't need you to speak for me ,I handled it so it's done!" I say sighing and getting up and walking out of the pub.3rd person POV
"Great you both fucked this nice gathering for all of us" Sylvia sighed grabbing Robins hand and existing the pub also.
"What is your problem both of you!" Pansy said this with anger.
The boys didn't say anything.
"Nothing to say now? Wow what a surprise! Look Nott I know you were just trying to stand up for Y/n but Like she said she did sought it by you know breaking this assholes nose" Pansy pointed at Mattheo smiling .
"So just leave it Y/n can defend herself and as for you ,what you said about Y/n & Diggory was uncalled for but I doubt I have to tell you that you already know it was wrong" Pansy then got up and left .

Destructive love
FantasiaY/n Carter is a half blood witch with a tragic past , she starts her 6th year at hogwarts after hearing the dark lords son is their. She plans revenge after all that's all she's got left but What happens when the person y/n is meant to hate the mos...