I was quiet the next day at breakfast.
Mattheo wasn't at breakfast yet.
I remembered vaguely what happened last night at the party .
I remember him fighting with a boy? And then taking me back to my dorm.
We didn't have classes today as there was a quidditch game today.
Slytherin vs Ravenclaw .
Everyone was going to watch so I decided to go with Sylvia, Robin and Nova plus the boys .I was eating some toast when Mattheo walked in and sat down next to Draco.
"So Y/n why did you leave so early ,we tried looking for you we couldn't find you?" Sylvia asked as she picked at her breakfast.That's when Mattheo laughed and everyone in our group turned there attention to Mattheo.
"Why are you laughing?" Nova asked .
"Well little blood traitor Y/n was to busy spreading her legs for Diggory in the hallway to spend time with you guys" he said bitterly.
I instantly felt embarrassed and angry ."Shut the fuck up Riddle" I said as I looked down at my plate trying not to hit the boy across from me.
"What? It's not my fault you were being a little slut and missed spending time with your friends" Mattheo said this very casually."Come on dude don't be a Ass" Theo said shaking his head slightly .
"Nott stop being a little bitch she won't fuck you she's too busy with hufflepuffs at the moment " Mattheo instantly got more angry when Theo tried defending me."Your such a fucking asshole Riddle you know that!" Nova said throwing a bit of her toast at him.
"Got nothing to say Y/n still dreaming about getting fucked by Cedric?" He said this to me so bitterly .
That's when I lost it .
I leaned over and grabbed his head and smashed it off the table .
"Oh shit" Sylvia laughed as Mattheo's nose bled slightly.
"Stop fucking being a little bastard and just stay away from me!" I said getting up and walking out the hall.MATTHEO RIDDLE POV-
That little slut didn't just fucking break my nose in front of all my fucking friends .
I instantly got up and followed her out of the hall.
"Come on dude just leave it" Draco said trying to get me to not follow Y/n.
"Fuck off"
I saw her walk into the bathroom and followed her in their.
"What the fuck was that you little-" I was cut of by her turning and pushing me away from her.
"Honestly I know you hate me I get it you practically hate everyone but do you always have to be a asshole?" She said tears threatened to leave her eyes .
I actually kinda felt bad.
"I was drunk ok so was Diggory me more so ,it was a stupid mistake but you still find the need to embarrass me I want to know why?" She said as one single tear ran down her cheek.I stood there not really knowing what to say my nose blood had dried up on my face.
"Nothing to say? Ha you don't even know yourself do you? Why you treat people so bad?
And you wonder why people hate you? It's not because of who your father is it's because your fucking insufferable to be around!" Y/n spoke calmly which was a bit scary in its self for someone so angry.
"Y/n I-"
"No i've got to go I have to meet Robin to go watch quidditch" she said pushing past me .
Leaving me in the girls bathroom by myself .At the quidditch match .
Y/n Carter POVI calmed down a bit when I headed to watch quidditch with Robin ,Nova and Sylvia.
The only boy who came with us was Theo as Draco was a seeker so was playing and I didn't know where Mattheo was I didn't care either.The game started and slytherin we're wining it was so cool and the atmosphere was amazing! Mattheo turned up half way though the match which kinda ruined my mood slightly but Sylvia told me to ignore him and enjoy the game.
Mattheo was stood in the front stand .
He wasn't stood with us but just seeing him made me want to push him out the stand .
I don't know what came over me but when no one was paying attention and was distracted by the game .
"Incendio" I whispered .
Mattheo's jumper caught fire and everyone started to scream and panic.
I said to myself before coming to hogwarts that I'd get my revenge without wand magic but hey who cares it's still revenge right.
Snape used the Aguamenti Charm on Mattheo to stop the fire .Snape then grabbed Mattheo by the back of the collar and dragged him out of the stands .
I was pissed that Snape intervened I guess trying to Kill Mattheo Riddle was going to be harder then expected.MATTHEO RIDDLE POV-
I was pulled out the stands by professor Snape .
"What have I told you about being vigilant! Someone is clearly trying to kill you and your out here screaming when slytherin score you stupid boy!" Snape snarled at me and shove me towards the castle as he went back up to watch the game .Few hours later .
I was sat waiting for Y/n in the classroom and I honestly didn't think she would show and could I blame her?
It annoys me that I felt bad even if it was only slightly.
I normally can treat people like shit and then go on with my day like nothing happened but I don't know something was different about this time which made me frustrated.
I hear the door open and their she is with her books and bowel that we needed to transfer some of the potion in.
"Hey" I said softly.
She just faked a awkward smile and sat down starting on the project."Y/n" I called to her .
"What Riddle" she spoke harshly .
"Look I-" she cut me off.
"Riddle don't bother their is no point apologising when you don't mean it besides we're not even friends so you owe me nothing" she wasn't even looking at me when she said this .
"If you felt that way then why did you even come here tonight why not leave me to do the project by myself?" I question.
"The only reason I'm here Riddle is to get a good grade that's it"
"Ok" I simply responded.
A few minutes later."Y/n" I called her name again.
"What!" She huffed as she rolled her sleeve of her jumper up.
"I was thinking you know the whole occlumency thing" I was playing with my rings as I said this .
"No not really I only know what it is because you told me" she said looking at my strangely.
I finally looked up at her.
"It's rare but some people can be a Occlumens without even knowing or having to practice it normally runs in family bloodlines" I say just trying to make Conversation as there was obvious tension between us."Ok and? if I do have the whole Occlumens gene thing who cares you can't read me regardless so it doesn't matter if I know I'm a Occlumens or not or if it runs in my family" she says this with spite as she gets up and goes to her bag to get a bottle of water .
After recording the waning gibbous we both went back to our dorms .
I know what Y/n said about the whole Occlumens thing but I couldn't help but wonder.
So I decided to have a look into her family history.

Destructive love
FantasiY/n Carter is a half blood witch with a tragic past , she starts her 6th year at hogwarts after hearing the dark lords son is their. She plans revenge after all that's all she's got left but What happens when the person y/n is meant to hate the mos...