Szetlana headed to the airport.
"Go to New York", she handed her passport over to be checked.
"Fine, Miss Jones. Everything is approved", the woman at the Airport said. She held two black colored bags of luggage labelled BUSINESS CLASS, then headed to her flight. The Attendants checked her passports, and everything else, then she got onto the plane as "ALICE JONES, NEW YORK", and, when she was taken to SEAT 63A, she put her seatbelt on, then enjoyed her 24 hour flight to America.
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Mania of the Zombies The Drone Boats (Book Twenty-Four)
HorrorIt is January, 2013. New US Army General Ian Harding, (head of the Zombie Risers Kill Squad), leads a new team of US soldiers, (with lesbian Generals Gretel Harding), (on the book cover), and life partner Kath Harding, all have to deal with The Fift...