Chapter 1

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General Kylo Ren slammed the court decree down onto the oak desk before him and growled. His Lieutenant Poe, took a tentative step back.

"Sir, King Palpatine desires a swift response."

Kylo fixed his second in command with a sharp stare. "What other answer can I give? I cannot refuse this."

Poe did not respond, knowing the wrong answer could lead to a serious injury to his person. General Kylo Ren was infamously known as the Demon General. His past was coloured with blood and his name was carved into the history books with his deadly sword. He was feared throughout the land and all who came up against him knew that death was his only companion. There was no one Kylo Ren relied on but King Palpatine, the man who had raised the boy from a young child but had never shown him an ounce of love and affection.

As a result, Kylo had grown up cold and unfeeling and was more at home on the battlefield than anywhere else. The weathered General never entered into polite society for he struck fear into the hearts of everyone who beheld him. A deep scar marred his fierce features and made many cower in terror before him. Kylo did not feel at a loss by hiding away from the world. He preferred to spend all of his time in the barracks with the only men he trusted, his battle worn soldiers, Finn, Armitage and Poe. He had no time for pleasantries, and that was what made this latest damn order from Palpatine even more confusing.

Poe looked sympathetic. "Maybe it won't be so bad...we could use a female's touch around here..."

The look in Kylo's eyes told Poe he had not chosen his words carefully. "Lieutenant, don't you have some drills to run with the men?"

Poe took the exit strategy presented to him and bowed swiftly before taking his leave. Kylo read the decree once more. What the hell was Palpatine thinking?

"Is this a test?" Kylo muttered to himself. "What is your plan for me, old man? Why are you sending me a wife?"


Sitting alone in the castle dungeon surrounded by bars and puddles of dirty water, Rey sighed. King Palpatine had imprisoned her for the lowly crime of stealing a loaf of bread, now he said he would spare her life because he had plans for her. Rey was afraid, but also angry. Who was he to decide her life for her? She confessed that her current one really wasn't that wonderful. Living on the streets and fighting for scraps was not exactly a happy existence. Still, it should be her right to decide her own path in life! Why should Palpatine suddenly get a say in her fate? And what on earth did he plan to do with her? Suddenly, one of the King's guards appeared. Rey stood up and put her hands on her hips.

"Let me go!" she shouted.

The guard sneered as he unlocked the door. "You should be thanking your lucky stars, my lady. King Palpatine has decided to shine his favour upon you."

"What do you mean?" Rey asked as the guard grabbed her arm and pulled her from the room.

"You are to be a gift," the guard told her as he pushed her up the steps and into the body of the castle.

"A gift? A gift for who?" Rey demanded.

The soldier didn't answer. At the top of the stairs stood three women, the prettiest women Rey had ever seen. They wore long, elegant gowns and their hair was organised into intricate styles. Rey noted they also seemed to be wearing some form of enhancement on their faces. They looked at her in surprise.

"What are we supposed to do with this?" One of the women said, gesturing to Rey.

Rey looked down at her ragged clothes. She couldn't see her face but she suspected it was as dirty as she remembered and her hair was slick with sweat. What were the women tasked with doing to her? Could they make her as pretty as they were? She was ashamed to wish that they could.

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