Chapter 13

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Finn's voice awoke Kylo early the next morning. He smiled as he slowly came to life and realised that Rey had draped herself across his chest. She moaned as he repositioned himself and snuggled further into him. Kylo stroked her hair to sooth her.

"I'm afraid you can't go in."

Kylo heard Finn's voice again outside the door.

"I'm here by order of the King, there is no door that I cannot pass through."

The new voice was unfamiliar to Kylo. Here by order of the King? Wait...what day was this...

"These are General Ren's private quarters and the Lord and Lady are resting," Finn stressed.

"My time is valuable. Let me pass."

"What's going on?" Rey asked sleepily. Seems the unwelcome newcomer had now awoken his wife. That was reason enough to take his head as payment.

"It appears the King's advisor is here and he is demanding entry to my room," Kylo said calmly.

Rey hugged Kylo tighter. "He can't come in!" she cried.

Kylo smiled. "Perhaps I should let him enter, what better way to solidify our relationship in his eyes then for him to see us like this."

Rey lifted her head. Her eyes were wide. "You wouldn't."

"Finn! Allow him to enter!" Kylo boomed.

Rey disappeared under the quilt just as the advisor entered the room.

"General Ren," Rey heard the voice say. Now that the voice was closer it sounded somewhat familiar to her...

"I'm afraid you've caught us at a rather intimate moment," Rey heard Kylo purr and she blushed under the blanket.

"Rey? Rey are you under there?"

This time Rey was certain she knew the voice. She peeped out from under the quilt then smiled and sat up.

"Beaumont!" She cried before getting out of bed and running to hug her old friend. Beaumont hugged her tightly before releasing her and looking down at her with a gentle smile.

Kylo seethed. Who was this boy that Rey was so comfortable with that she would embrace him whilst still wearing her bed clothes? Kylo stood and put on his dressing gown. He came to stand beside Rey.

"May I have your name?" he asked the short blonde man before him.

The advisor cleared his throat and lifted his chin. "Beaumont. Beaumont Kin," he said holding out his hand. Kylo took it and squeezed it a little harder than was necessary. The boy was small and thin, no match for Kylo. Still, his close relationship with Rey made him an object of interest to the General.

"Beaumont and I grew up on the streets together," Rey explained. "How ever did you come to be the King's advisor?" she asked.

Beaumont shrugged. "Just by good fortune. You know how lucky I am."

Rey nodded. "That's true, you always did land on your feet."

Kylo didn't like the matching smiles that passed between them. He took Rey's hand in his.

"Can you excuse us Mr Kin, we'll join you for breakfast momentarily." The message was clear. Leave or be removed.

Beaumont nodded and after one last look at Rey, he left the room.

Rey beamed at Kylo. "I was so anxious for the advisor's arrival, now it seems I had nothing to fear!"

"He is still the King's spy, Rey, we must be cautious of him," Kylo ordered as he dressed.

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