Chapter 21

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The journey to the palace was long and arduous. They stopped several times to allow the horses to rest while they ate. At one such pit stop, Rey was convinced some bandits were approaching them in the forest clearing they were concealed within. Dropping the apple in her hand she pulled Kylo behind a tree and placed a hand over his mouth. She felt rather foolish when a family of foxes trotted past. She moved her hand from Kylo's mouth and laughed awkwardly with bright red cheeks. She looked up at Kylo and expected some sort of sarcastic comment but was startled to find his eyes were dark and laced with arousal. He quickly switched their positions and pushed Rey up against the rough tree bark, pressing his lips to hers and moaning slightly. Rey gasped in a breath as his tongue slipped into her mouth and her eyes fluttered closed as her arms wrapped around his neck and sunk into his hair.

"Here?" she asked, her words a breathy whisper.

"Why not?" he grinned against her mouth. "There's no one around except some red furred foragers."

Rey bit her lip as Kylo pushed down his trousers and underwear and then slipped his hands up her thighs to remove her intimate garments. He returned his lips to hers, hot and heavy. His hands on her hips lifted her up and she wrapped her legs around his waist as he sheathed himself within her. Her body lit up and she bit into his shoulder to keep from screaming too loudly. Her thighs shook as she clung to him. He thrust into her roughly and it wasn't long before Rey felt something begin to coil in her lower stomach and then spread lower. She was coming. So soon and so hard. The feeling was so strong it made her feel like a wild animal. She nipped at Kylo's neck and he yelped with surprise, pressing into her with more force. This time Rey couldn't suppress her moans and she called out as she came, Kylo following shortly afterwards, spurred on by his feral wife, wrapped around him and quivering, her name on his lips.

Once they were both dressed they returned to the road, feeling more relaxed after their release, but also knowing it was important to keep their minds sharp as they moved ever closer to the palace. Eventually, their journey came to an end and they entered the town that housed the palace. It seemed to Rey that everyone was as unfriendly as ever as many suspicious eyes focused on them as they rode past. She hoped no one would recognise her but doubted they would. She was just a lowly street rat back then, hardly anyone ever met her eye.

At the gates to the palace, they dismounted and Rey fought her instinctive need to take Kylo's hand and instead followed closely behind him as he handed the horse's reins over to a stable boy and then headed into the castle. They were immediately ushered into an audience with the King which caught Rey off guard. They hadn't expected to be seen so soon. Two guards led them to a large set of wooden doors and opened them to allow them entry.

Inside, Palpatine sat on his black throne. He did not wear a crown but his robes were gold and ostentatious. When he saw them enter he held out a hand. Kylo bent to the ground and took Palatine's hand in his. He kissed it lightly. Rey suppressed a shiver and hoped the same courtesy would not be extended to herself. Luckily it was not. Kylo returned to his feet after a permitting wave from Palpatine. Rey stood a few meters back with her hands joined in front of her and her eyes fixed on the floor.

"I've missed you, boy," Palpatine purred.

Rey thought she was going to be sick.

"I am honoured, my lord," Kylo replied with a small, stiff bow.

"Are you here to take the place of Snoke? Such a sad event. My heart mourns deeply for him. If you are to take up his post you must investigate his death thoroughly. I must know who did this and make them pay."

Kylo nodded slightly. Rey was pleased that Kylo had been giving control of the investigation. That way they could keep Palpatine off their scent.

"And who is this enticing creature?" Palpatine asked.

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