Chapter 22

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When Kylo was finally released to return to his room, he walked slowly trying to think of a way to tell Rey what had happened. After deciding there was no easy way to convey the information, he eventually took a deep breath and decided to just come out with it.

Rey listened quietly which scared him more than if she had screamed and yelled.

"I will not marry her, Rey. Listen to me," Kylo stressed.

Rey looked away from him. "What if Palpatine leaves you no other choice?"

Kylo swallowed hard. "It won't come to that."

Rey let out a shaky breath. "We need to get out of here, it was a mistake to come..."

Kylo placed himself in front of her. "Rey, listen to me. We need to stay. We must take down Palpatine, to ensure everyone's safety, especially yours."

Rey glared up at him. "Do you understand what you are asking of me? You are asking me to stand by and smile and watch you be with her..."

Kylo took her hands in his. "I understand, but if we leave now, it will put us in danger. We have to think clearly."

"I don't think I can do that right now..." Rey said pulling her hands free. She moved to the door. "I need to get some air," she said before leaving.

Rey walked through the gardens with a heavy heart. She tried to imagine what Bazine looked like, and then as though she had cast a summoning spell, she saw a beautiful woman walking in the distance. Rey moved closer and her suspicions were answered when she heard a nearby maid refer to the woman as Lady Bazine. Rey watched her from a concealed position. The woman was beautiful. Elegant. Striking. So, this was the woman that Palpatine had chosen to be her husband's equal? Rey turned away, unable to watch anymore. She took a deep breath. She had a job to do and the sooner it was done, the sooner she could leave with Kylo.

"I'm sorry, Lady Bazine," Rey mumbled under her breath as she headed back into the palace. "Kylo's heart already belongs to me, and I don't intend to give him up without a fight."


The banquet was harder than Rey had anticipated. Kylo had asked if she wanted him to make up an excuse for her absence, but somehow it had felt worse to not see what was happening with her own two eyes. Now that she was standing in the hall watching her husband sit at the head of the long banqueting table with Lady Bazine smiling up at him as though he were an exquisite painting, she was starting to regret her decision to attend. Rey stood in the shadows and watched as her husband was declared Bazine's fiancé and the room cheered and clapped around them. Rey's heart threatened to explode in her chest. She endured as much as she could, pouring wine for the happy couple, watching Bazine squeeze Kylo's arm suggestively, even managing to bear it when Palpatine happily announced that their children would be the handsomest in all the kingdom. Finally, she found she couldn't take anymore and managed to secretly escape into the gardens. The cool night air helped her calm down a little. She put her head in her hands. Her whole body was shaking. What was she going to do?

"You are Kylo's maid are you not?"

Rey jumped as the voice softly addressed her. She turned to see Bazine smiling at her sweetly.

Rey plastered a fake smile on her face. "Yes, my lady. Can I do something for you?"

Baxzine came closer. "I just wanted to meet you. I have heard you are very close to your master."

Alarm bells went off in Rey's head. Who was talking about them behind their backs? This was dangerous. She laughed a little. "I am his maid and nothing more," she replied casting her eyes downwards in what she hoped looked like a humble gesture.

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