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*time skip to when they are at the village*

Katara: Aang?Aang!Wake up! Everyone is waiting to meet you

*teeny tiny timeskip*

Katara: Aang. This is the entire village.Entire Village. Aang. 

Aang bows but the village cowers in fear

Aang: Uh, why are they all looking at me like that?Did Appa sneeze on me?

Gran-Gran:Well no one has seen an airbender in a hundred years.We thought they were extinct,until my granddaughters and grandson found you.

Aang:Extinct? *disbelief*

y/n: Aang this is my grandmother.

Gran-Gran: call me Gran-Gran

Sokka walks up to Aang stealing his staff and examining it

Sokka:What is this? You can't stab anything with this

Aang: *takes his staff back*It's not for stabbing!It's for air bending

Aang opens his glider

little village girl:Magic trick do it again!

Aang: not magic, airbending. *he moves his glider around demonstrating what he is talking about*It lets me control the air currents around my glider and fly.

Sokka: Last time I checked....HUMANS CAN'T FLY!

Aang: check again! *he grabs a hold of his glider and launches himself up into the air flying*

little girl: He's flying!

Aang does loops around in the air and speeds up and soars past the villagers

little girl: Its amazing!

Aang passes over y/n and Katara.y/n stares up at him smiling in amazement and Katara has an expression that says "woah" but like it a faint fangirling tone(let me know if you get what Im talking about) Aang smiles down at y/n , y/n who notices this first turns red like a tomato, and falls backwards into Katara's arms as she laughs at her little sister.But secretly is mayyybeee a little jealous of her little sister! (hehehe I'm evil)Aang continues to soar through the air not paying attention to where he is going.He crashes into Sokka's "watch tower"

Sokka: My watch tower!

Aang lies covered in snow at the base of the partially destroyed watch tower Katara and y/n run over  offering there hands to help him up 

Katara: That was amazing!

y/n: yeah it was!

Sokka runs over trying to fix his watch tower but fails miserably 

y/n: Sokka its broken there's no use just build a new one!

Sokka: No you don't understand I worked so hard on it!

y/n: well it clearly wasn't sturdy enough if he can knock it down *pointing at Aang* No offense Aang by the way

Aang: Its no big deal *he put his hand on the back of his neck giving her a forgiving smile*

Sokka: ugh this is just great you two are water benders and he's an air bender together you can just waste time all day!

Aang: You two are water benders?!

y/n: I am her on the other hand..*pointing at katara* could use a little more practice, No offense kat

Katara: it's fine I know I need more practice

Gran-Gran: Ok enough playing around Katara you have chores

y/n's POV

me: sooo what now?

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