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The scene opens to a forest, Katara is folding one of their sleeping bags, Aang lying by the roots of a tree, y/n is sitting next to Momo and Nana studying her books since no one is paying attention to her she took the time to do that. Then Sokka approached them and Momo screeched and that alerted everyone that Sokka was back

Aang: Great! Your back! *He jumps off the root he was laying on with airbending, landing beside y/n who quickly hides the book she had so no one knew the title...While Katara walked over to them* What's for dinner?

Sokka: *rummages around in his bag for the nuts he found* We've got a few options. First,round nuts. And some kind of Oval shaped nuts? And some rock shaped nuts that...might just be rocks. *he throws the rock shaped nut towards the Lemurs* Dig in! 

Katara, y/n, and Aang all look at each other

Katara:Seriously... What else you got?

Momo picks up the nut and Nana sniffs it and backs away in disgust from the 'nut' Momo looks at his sister before he hits the 'nut' on a rock twice attempting to break it. He hits it on the rock again and the moment he does the earth quakes Making both Lemurs screech. Nana jumps to y/n's shoulder for safety nuzzling her self into y/n's neck 

a/n: y/n is holding the book from earlier behind her back yes this is important cuz it will make sense with the next part

y/n: *giggles* haha Nana stop that tickles *Nana still continues to nuzzle her self into y/n's neck making her laugh so hard she dropped the book behind her bringing all of the attention to her*

Aang: huh? y/n what is that? 

y/n: what is wha- *she looks behind her realizing she had dropped the book and the title page was face up* NOTHING! That is nothing...It's mine, but it's not very interesting you wouldn't like it..

Aang: *he crosses his arms across his chest* Well..Now I want to know...

y/n: Oh trust me you don't! You would hate it! It's like the most boring book on the planet!

Aang: Oh come on n/n! Just a peek! *he tries to grab the book from her*

y/n: n/n? Where'd you pick that up from?

Aang: I dunno...I just- *he reaches for the book again and y/n dodges* made it up.

y/n: Well trust me your not the first person to call me that..

Sokka: Are you two just gonna completely ignore the big noises?

y/n: what noise?

Sokka: You know!?The big boom noise that scared Nana!

y/n: Ohhhhh! So that's why she was doing that!

Sokka: Well, Katara left to go check it out so I guess we should...*they had already left to go follow Katara* Wow..Ok I guess we're going towards the dangerous noise....

Timeskip brought to you by Haru's future mustache..

Katara: An earthbender!

Aang: Let's go meet him!

Sokka: He looks dangerous, so we  better approach cautiously 

y/n: I can't believe I'm saying this but I agree with Sokka..and she's gone...

Katara: Hello there! I'm Katara! What's your name? *she had some how gotten up a head of everyone*

The boy gasps in surprise, dropping the boulder he was bending  and he flees

y/n, Sokka, and Aang approach Katara

Aang: *yelling* Nice to meet you!

Katara: I just wanted to say hi

The legacy's love square (an Aang x reader x Katara x Zuko) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now