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Since the last chapter was kinda short I thought I would be nice enough to tell you what happened on the walk back your welcome


y/n: Race ya!

Aang: Oh your on!

y/n starts out in front of Aang before he used an air scooter to get ahead of her.

y/n: Hey that's cheating!

Aang: you didn't say anything about rules

He turns around to face her as she crosses her arms in anger

y/n: well now I am!

Aang: okay..well we still gotta get back

y/n: no I'm not moving because you told me to cause your a cheater

Aang: If you don't come with me now..I'll make you come *he smirks*

y/n:*sarcastically* ha yeah right what can you do? 

Aang: This! *he picks her up and throws her over his shoulder*

y/n: AAGH AANG PUT ME DOWN! * she starts punching his back*

Aang: I warned you this would happen

y/n: Oh yeah?! Just like I warned you about booby traps on the ship! *she makes a humph noise*

Aang: ok you caught me there 

y/n: yeah! So put me down!

Aang: alright if you say so * he drops her into the snow and just laughs as she gets up struggling to get snow off her*

y/n: Oh now your gonna get it! *she tackles him into the snow and they both laugh at each others silly behavior*

Aang: ok enough messing around even though that was really fun..

y/n: aww but I wasn't done getting back at you yet

They both walk back continuously teasing each other on the way


I know it was short but I figure it made up for the last chapter being a little short

The legacy's love square (an Aang x reader x Katara x Zuko) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now