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 Aang: wait till you see it y/n! It'll be like nothing you've seen before!

me: we'll see

Katara: I know your excited Aang, but it's been a hundred years since you've been  home

Aang: I know! That's why I'm so excited!

He looked so happy! I didn't want Katara to ruin it, but she's right. He doesn't know what happened to his people. I didn't want to ruin it myself, so I stayed quiet and acted normal.

Me: Aang what she's trying to say is a lot can change. I mean like a lot. I just wouldn't get your hopes up over anything

Aang: Aww y/n not you too! Come on I'm sure not everything has changed. Plus I need to see it for myself to believe it

y/n: Ok..I just don't want you to get hurt!

*time skip *

Aang and I go to jump off Appa to wake Sokka up. Aang lands softly due to his air bending. Me?...not so much. I tried  to slide down feet first off Appa, but ended up falling. Aang quickly caught me holding  me bridal style. He set me down.

Aang: Are you ok?

Me: Oh yeah I'm fine hehe...*I cover my face with my hair so no one see's me blushing*

I cannot let Katara or Sokka know that I like Aang. I can't let Katara know because she likes Aang and thinks she is the Legacy. I can't let Sokka know because...Well he's Sokka and I don't know what he'll do. (Makes sense right lol) Sokka is still sleeping?! HOW?!

 Aang: wake up Sokka! Air Temple here we come!

Sokka: *sleepily* Ugh sleep now temple later 

Sokka turns around not facing Aang anymore. Aang looks to me for ideas. Then I grab a stick looking at him. He immediately knows what I'm gonna do! It's like he could read my mind! I start tracing the stick up and down Sokka's sleeping bag

Aang; Sokka! Wake up! there's a prickle snake in your sleeping bag!


Katara giggles as Sokka jumps around still in the sleeping bag and falls over.

Aang: Great! You're awake! Lets go! 


Sokka is going through his stuff when he found an empty bag of seal jerky

Sokka: Hey! Who ate my seal jerky?

me: Don't look at me I didn't touch your jerky! You know I hate that stuff anyways.

Aang: Oh that was food? I used it to start the campfire last night. Sorry

Sokka: You what?! No wonder the flames smelled so good.

I look over to the side and see we're passing some mountains

Aang: The Patola Mountain range! We're almost there!

Katara: Aang before we get to the temple, I want to talk to you about the airbenders

Aang: What about  them?

Katara: Well I just want you to be prepared for what you might see.The fire nation is  ruthless. They killed my mother (Katara's dramatic mother moments count aka KDMM count :2) and they could've done the same to your people.

Aang: Just because no one has seen an airbender, doesn't mean the Fire Nation killed them all.They probably escaped

Katara: I know it's hard to accept.

The legacy's love square (an Aang x reader x Katara x Zuko) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now