The King of Omashu

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They had finally gotten away from Zuko and it was smooth sailing. y/n was unwrapping her bandaged hand you could see the pain on her face.

Katara: y/n? You ok?

y/n turns to face Katara trying to hide her hand

y/n: yeah..I'm fine

Katara: whats wrong with your hand? *she pulls y/n's arm from behind he back and y/n grunts in pain* Oh no! y/n tell me what happened?!

y/n: I hit something to hard and I think I may have broke my wrist...

Katara: Why would you hide this from us? We could've helped you!

y/n: I know I know...

Katara: Well I don't have the exact correct supplies but I think I can make shift something... Hmm...Oh Sokka do you have some sort of stick or something?

Sokka: No..

Aang: I see a forest down there maybe there is something there. I can go down  and check but someone will have to make sure Appa stays on course

Sokka: I guess that's me...

Aang: Ok great *he grabs his glider and flies down while Sokka moves to Appa's head taking his spot*

Aang comes back a minute later with a small stick in hand

Aang: does this work?

Katara takes the stick from him

Katara: This is perfect! Thank you Aang

Aang: It was no problem

We then notice that Sokka is back where he was and it looked like he never move

Aang: Oh I was about to tell you, you could go back to where you were but I see you already did

Sokka: yeah, whatever


Aang:The earth kingdom of Omashu! I used to always come here to visit my friend Bumi.

Katara: Wow. We don't have buildings like this in the South Pole!

Sokka: They have buildings that don't melt!

Aang: Well let's go slow pokes! The real fun is inside the city!

Katara: Wait, Aang! It could be dangerous if people find out your the Avatar.

Sokka: You need a disguise.

Aang: So what am I supposed to  do? Grow a mustache?

y/n: That's exactly what your gonna do..

Cut to a shot of Aang with a wig and mustache made from Appa's fur.

Aang: Ugh. This is so itchy. How do you live in this stuff?*he looks to Appa*

Sokka: Great! Now you look just like my grandfather.

Katara: Technically he is 112 years old.

Aang: Wait where's y/n?

y/n comes out with a outfit she made herself with parts of her Kyoshi warrior uniform that Suki let her keep she had made a few tweaks to it and didn't add on the whole armor part of the outfit. She had made it into a dress and she had put on shoes that made her taller even though the dress had made her look older.(For reference the dress is kind of a mix of Korra and Asami's dresses in the show finale. If you know what I'm talking about. Just imagine a mix of their dresses but in the earth kingdom colors and you got the dress! If you want to draw it out let me know and I'll give you my email so you can send a picture or if your a friend you have my number..text a picture to me if you wanna draw it)

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