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Hey everyone! I know y'all have been waiting for the next chapter and I have been working on it really hard but...I am going to be taking a short break from this...I loved this story when it first started and still do but..I am running out of ideas sadly...I'm not discontinuing this but I may skip a part of season one... I am going to put what I have out for the "Jet" episode below..I may be skipping parts though just because I am running out of ideas! Without further ado! I present to you~ My incomplete masterpiece(piece of crap)!

The group was camping in the forest while the lemurs chase a bug, when they get distracted by a pile of lychee nuts. They run towards it before getting trapped in a circular cage up in the trees with a bunch of other animals.

Aang: Where are the lemurs? *the lemurs screech and everyone looks around*

They all walk around and eventually find where the lemurs went. They saw the lemurs along with other animals trapped in cages.

Aang: Hang on, Momo and Nana! *He uses airbending to fly to the top of the tree. Finds the mechanisms, undoes them, and brings the lemurs down carefully*

The lemurs run out with lychee nuts in their mouths. Sokka and the girls watch as they stand on their hind legs as if nothing happened. Aang jumps down and looks up at the animals who seem to be crying hopelessly.

Aang: All right, you too. *jumps to them*

Sokka: This is gonna take forever. *throws his boomerang to cut the animals free*

Aang: * inching his way upside-down to the traps on the tree branch. They fall before he can reach them* That works.

Aang jumps back down and they all walk toward the traps as the animals scatter. Sokka kneels down to examine the trap.

Sokka: These are Fire Nation traps, you can tell from the metal work. We better pack up camp, and get moving.

They all start to gather their things and pack them onto Appa's saddle.

Sokka: Uh uh. No flying this time.

Aang: What? Why wouldn't we fly?

y/n: Yeah! Why can't we fly?

Sokka: Think about it..Somehow Prince Zuko and the Fire Nation keep finding us. It's because they spot Appa, he's just too noticeable.

Katara: What? Appa's not too noticeable!

Sokka: * Pointing dramatically at Appa* He's a gigantic fluffy monster with an arrow on his head! It's kinda hard to miss him!

Aang: *to Appa* He's just jealous 'cause he doesn't have an arrow.

Sokka: I know you all wanna fly, but my instincts tell me we should play it safe this time and walk.

Katara: Who made you the boss?

y/n: Yeah!

Sokka: I'm not the boss, I'm the leader.

Katara: You're the leader?

y/n: Your voice still cracks!

Sokka: *voice cracks* I'm the oldest, and I'm a warrior so, *deepens voice* I'm the leader!

y/n: If anyone's the leader, it's Aang. I mean he is the Avatar.

Sokka: Are you kidding, he's just a goofy kid!

Aang: *hanging upside-down from Appa's horn with his feet stuck up in the air* He's right.

Katara: Why do boys always think someone has to be the leader? I bet you wouldn't be so bossy if you kissed a girl.

The legacy's love square (an Aang x reader x Katara x Zuko) Discontinued Where stories live. Discover now