Chp. 9

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Atticus is now three years old and since the incident, he's pretty much curbstompping the fuck out of life. He's a genius, prodigy, Swordsman and Mage. He even got rid of actively plotting the demise of his new family. The only problem that arose was that his mother died due to mysterious circumstances. Ya, that's bullshit and let him show you why. A perfectly healthy woman suddenly dropped dead. Sounds like poisoning to him but he didn't go into further details. He just didn't care that much. Suck to be her. Now Atticus is sitting in a room with his father and brother thinking about life. He had to decide whether or not he was going to go into the academy at the age of five. 

You know, the literal start of the whole series starts at the age of five in the entrance of the academy. Why an academy because you can almost never go wrong with an academy setting, right? Wrong, the academy setting was the genre he hated more than the fucking entertainment circle genre. He hates that genre more than ever because he was going to live through it. "Father, I shall go to the Academy. As the King of Everdalla, it is appropriate to get to the other children of nobles and the children of our neighbors." Atticus replied after a sip of tea. During these two years, he was able to salvage the damage to his reputation due to the horrible disaster that was his first birthday and he was able to become calmer in a sense. He now had a goal with a purpose. To find the missing part of his soul. That goal was the most important goal. Even more important than keeping up with the story. Although he was indeed calmer it wasn't because he stopped feeling such intense emotions. Rather he was feeling a lot more intense emotions than before but due to the importance of that goal, he had no problem allowing those emotions to be locked up. 

Atticus knew that one day those emotions were going to overflow but he couldn't care enough about it right now. "Haha! That's my good son! Sounding like a proper King!" His father, Widilon, replied gleefully. Widilon knew that something was wrong with Atticus but he never asked because he knew that he just needed to be a good father and raise him well. "Then..  Can me and Doji go as well?" Saji asked calmly. Over the years, the twins had undergone a great transformation. Saji was terrifyingly calm with the Ice Serpent Swordsmanship Technique close to mastery. While, Doji waa terrifyingly emotional with the Raging Demon Bull Swordsmanship Technique that he almost mastered. You have to remember that Saji and Doji were only seven years old. If it weren't for Atticus then those two could be considered to be absolutely geniuses. Unfortunately, they met Atticus who mastered Soul Destroying Swordsmanship Technique, Reality Warping Swordsmanship Technique, and Destruction Swordsmanship Technique. He even mastered Dark Magic, Destruction Magic, Soul Magic, Hell Magic, and even a bit of Pure Magic. Does he seem overpowered enough? No? Okay, he also had an inhuman amount of strength, stamina, and mana. He was only three. Sorry but Atticus out bested them. 

"Unfortunately, no. You and Doji can't accompany him but he will be accompanied by ten knights hand picked by me. Is that good enough for the two of you?" Widilon asked his two eldest sons in a teasing tone. "Oh shut it, Old Goose!" Doji yelled while blushing from embarrassment. "I do have to agree with Doji, Father. Shut it." Saji spoke with a blush as well. Atticus laughed in amusement at the three. It was blissful to him. "Although I'm not king anymore, I'm still your father, how dare you two call me old." Widilon laughed loudly. Causing the others to laugh as well. The four talked happily for a few more hours until it got dark. Atricus made his way to his bedroom humming a lovely tone. Ever since he came to senses, he was much happier. He smiled and laughed. For the first time, he didn't need to act because he was truly happy here. His red eyes flashed with dangerous glint. He was going to protect this happiness as best as he could. Nothing will be able to stop him from doing this, right? As Atticus was getting ready for bed, a familiar voice sounding in his head. 

"Mike. I'm Sorry but I fixed it. It's coming back to you. Just wait. If you don't go out to find it, it will come back to find you don't worry. You'll be fixed." The voice spoke. In the same sad tone as it did last time. How dare it act like it truly cared. If it truly cared then he wouldn't be in this situation. "Ya. Right. I don't trust you." Atticus replied rudely. Unfortunately, the voice didn't reply. As he laid in bed, he thought. It was here. On this planet, waiting for me to find it. His red eyes glowed as he licked his lips in excitement. He would soon become complete. Soon.


Jonas looked around in shock. Did he just get reincarnated? Like in one of those novels? Jonas almost couldn't contain his excitement. He looked around his new fancy room. It seemed like he was a noble in medieval times. "You're correct. This world also has magic and such." A cold emotionless voice spoke in his head. "What! Who are you? Are you a cheat? A system?" Jonas asked in fear and excitement. "Yes. I'm the Capture the Capture Target System. Also known as Cat. Would you like to get started?" The System, Cat, asked emotionlessly. "Yes! I would love to start, Cat!" Jonas spoke happily. "Good. Would you like a hard or easy mission?" Cat asked probingly. It already knew what capture target he was going to get but it still asked this question to see if he needed to downplay the difficulty. "I want the hardest Capture Target! I'm confident!" Jonas spoke confidently. Any top could want him. He was the best white lotus in his world. With those skills, he can capture any male capture target.

A/N: Sorry for taking so long. Lost the will to write. Sorry. I'm still writing the story don't worry.

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