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“I don’t want to hear that from you! I just want to know when my son will wake up. He turned one year old a few months ago! You, as doctors, should know that the younger they are, the more dangerous it is! Figure something out! I will send you to The Pit!” a deep male voice was heard. Atticus could tell that this was the king, Beno, his new father. It seems that he was unconscious for a few months, that doesn’t seem to be good. Unfortunately, Atticus was still very much out of it to fully understand what was happening. He groaned as he felt that whatever was underneath him was extremely uncomfortable. 

“Your majesty, Atticus is waking up!” A servant spoke gleefully. It has been hard on everyone since Atticus was found unconscious with blood flowing out of his eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Both The king and The Duke were like rabid dogs. Biting everyone and anyone who got close to Atticus. A lot of people have been thrown into The Pit and too many people have been publicly executed. It was like two tyrants woken up and reigned terror while helping each other out. The longer Atticus was unconscious, the worse the two were. 

The twins were no better. They turned from carefree to hardworking. They were both practicing swordsmanship with vigour. They continued to say that they'll protect Atticus and become Atticus’s loyals guards. It seems that the two of them didn't want the throne but rather just wanted to be with Atticus. Saji and Doji realized that they were a but stupid and lacked talent but they were good at swinging swords around. So, the two were happy.

Atticus sat up and stared blankly at his father. He soon looked around before furrowing his brows. He remembered that before he passed out a voice said something about his soul and that some of it was missing. Part of his soul was missing since his last life. So, the bouts of emptiness, obsession, unexplainable anger and such were caused by that? How stupid. How absolutely fucking stupid! So, he was fucked in ass becouse some being couldn't do their fucking job and that he was missing part of his fucking soul!?

Atticus was angry. Anger couldn't even describe it, the feeling of wanting to burn and destroy everything around him. Why would he get good things but worse things happen to him later on? What kind of sense did that make? None! God, how he hoped to be the super lucky, get everything they want, protagonist. Why must he suffer?! Fucking damnit!

He was going to learn some more magic spells and some swordsmanship before going out into the world to find the missing part of his soul. He wasn't going to wait around like a bumbling idiot trusting the words of that shitty guardian angel. He was going to find it, even if it fucking kills him. Atticus was done being incomplete, done being all but his true self. Fuck this world, fuck the gods, and fuck that guardian angel! His soul will be completed. 

"Atticus! ATTICUS!" The loud voice of the king sounded out in the room, breaking Atticus's train of thought. Atticus looked up at the king. "Yes, father? What happened father?" Atticus asked with a harmless and innocent smile. "How do you feel?"  The king asked concerned as worry was laced in his voice. "I feel fine but also a bit dizzy." Atticus spoke truthfully. Everyone in the room sighed in relief. The terror was over and Atticus woke up fine. 

A doctor walked up to Atticus and touched his wrist. "Absolutely nothing wrong with him except the large amount of mana inside of him. His body will be able to grow with time to be able to withstand the large amount and powerful Mana. I suggest letting the prince learn spells and swordsmanship." The Doctor spoke calmly with a relieved smile on his face. The king and The Duke smiled at each and rushed everyone else in the room. 

After everyone left, The king and The Duke sat down in front of Atticus. "Father, Grandfather? What happened?" Atticus asked, confused. He truly was confused. Are they going to yell at him for the things he said earlier? The King spoke first and spoke with a smile on his face "Atticus, my son. Do you wish to be crowned king now? Although you're still young, me and Xion are willing to help and support you until you can manage everything one your own. So, what do you say?"

Atticus looked at the two dumbfounded. He just needed to ask for the crown and he would be given it?! Is this what love does? Blinding you and turning you into an idiot? Why would you allow a one year old to become king? Who the fuck would accept that? But it was in his plan to become king and so he agreed.

Just like that the wheels of fate spin. Atticus with his broken soul would become king. The twins become his loyal guards. The King and The Duke support him. His other part of his soul comes to this world with a system attached to it. Oh how Fate spins in weird ways.

The Crimson Tyrant {Rewrite}Where stories live. Discover now