chapter 6 - it's only a matter of time

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[a/n : they're probably gonna meet in the next chapter]

Ricky found himself walking through the hospital doors again the next morning. He had spent the night thinking over the conversation with his mom. After going back and forth for a few hours, he decided to apologize to his mom. It wasn't that any of the things Ricky said was untrue or wrong, but the whole ordeal reminded him of the fight he had with Nini. A part of him wanted to go back to Salt Lake and leave his mom behind, make her feel what he felt, but it just seemed wrong. Lashing out and walking away from his problems didn't work out so well for him last time, so in the spirit of personal growth, he resolved to try again with his mom. 

He went up to her door, knocked a few times and slipped in. She was awake, and the look on her face shows that she was once again surprised to see him. 


"Ricky. I didn't expect you to still be here." Lynne said. 

"Yeah. I just wanted to apologize for my behavior. I shouldn't have blown up and walked away like that." Ricky scratched the back of his head awkwardly. 

"It's not your fault. You had every right to react the way that you did. I've never been a good parent to you. You weren't wrong about what you said." Lynne replied, not looking at him. "But I'd like to try, Ricky. I know it's late, but I am sorry for what I did to you." 

Ricky nodded, "Maybe we can start over?" 

"I think I'd like that." She smiled for the first time since they met. "Why don't you sit and let me tell you what I've been up to all these years?" 

So Ricky sat and listened to his mom as she talked about her life, he wondered what it would be like if he had moved to Chicago with her instead of staying with his dad. But he believed that everything happened for a reason, and wherever he was right now was where he was meant to be. 

Ricky showed her photos from high school prom to his college graduation, and they started talking about his work again. 

"So have you ever thought about doing something other than weddings, graduation, family photos.. ?" Lynne asked curiously, "You seem to enjoy street photography and portraits. You could probably work in editorial or sell your photos as art." 

Ricky was surprised to hear this from her, and the little boy inside of him wanted to know what it would feel like to have his mom be proud of him. So he told her about the competition.

"I actually submitted a piece for this magazine in New York, and they're going to publish it next month." Ricky said. "I'll be sure to send you a copy of it." 

"Well, it's good that you're putting yourself out there.." 

"It was... Nini who made me do it actually." 

"I'm glad you had her to take care of you and be there for you when I wasn't." Lynne looked at him sincerely, "Are you... seeing anyone else now?"

"Umm.. No. Actually, I just don't see myself with anyone else in the future. It's always been her, you know." 

"When I left your dad, it was because he wasn't the person that I saw myself with in the future. We'd become so distant that I didn't feel anything anymore when I thought about him." 

It was true. The months leading up to their divorce, his parents were barely speaking, when they did it always seemed very.. administrative. They would talk about groceries, about who was going to Ricky's PTA meetings, who was picking him up that day, and looking back at it now it was clear they didn't love each other anymore. How Ricky felt about Nini was nothing like that though. When he thought about her, he felt this warmth in his chest, butterflies in his stomach, and a longing to be with her. 

"If you want to be with her, I think you should go after her." Lynne added. 

Later that night, Ricky recorded another voice note to Nini. 

Hey Neens. I'm in Chicago, and I just had some deep dish pizza (don't tell Big Red). I went to see my mom. We talked, and it wasn't terrible. She told me I needed to fight for you. I think I agree with her, Nini. When I think about my future, there isn't a version where I'm not with you. All I want is to be with you, babe. 


Big Red : You back in SLC bro? 

Ricky : Yup. Just landed. Meet at your place tomorrow? 
Big Red : Ok. 
Ricky : I think I'm ready, Red.
Big Red : For what ?


Ricky pulled up at Big Red's house, he rehearsed his speech one more time in his car before going up to the front door. He was going to ask Big Red for Nini's number. He thought long and hard about what his mom said, about fighting for love, and he felt ready. He had grown so much in the past months, and he'd learned his lesson. He just missed her so much and wanted to be with her more than anything. Hopefully Big Red would understand, he'd also brought a few gifts to butter up his best friend, just in case. 

Big Red opened the door to find Ricky holding up a brand new video game. Red perked up immediately and guided Ricky to his basement. 

"I can't believe you got the new Mario Kart, man! It isn't even out yet in stores." Red exclaimed excitedly, "How did you get it?" 

"Pulled a few strings." Ricky smirked, "Oh and I've got some goodies from Chicago for my favorite best friend." 

He handed over a bag containing a T-Shirt, a hat and some chocolates. Ricky could tell that the ginger was slightly suspicious of his sudden showering of gifts. 

"Thanks, Ricky. What do you want?"

Ricky sighed. He should've known that Red would see right through him. 

"Nini." Ricky said firmly. "I think I'm ready, Red. Don't you think I've earned it?" 

"I don't know, Rick." Big Red distractedly rummaged through the bag of goodies. "I would have to ask for her permission first." 

"Come on Red, please... I promise I won't hurt her again." 

Just then, his phone beeped with an email notification from Figment Mag. The September issue is out online, and his photo was on the front page. He was so excited to see it he didn't realize Big Red had been talking to him for the past minute. 

"Earth to Ricky? What are you looking at?" 

"Sorry dude, it's my photo from that competition I told you about." Ricky said showing his phone to Red. "Figment just published the online issue for this month and that's my photo."

"That's so cool, Ricky! I'm proud of you, man... wait did you say Figment Magazine?!" 

"Yeah. Why?" Ricky didn't get why his best friend was getting riled up. 

"Okay. So I'm not allowed to tell you where Nini is or give you her number.. but if you found out on your own it would be okay right?" 

"Umm. I suppose so? What's happening, Red? You're kinda freaking me out." 

Big Red grabbed Ricky's phone and scrolled through the page of the magazine where they credited the people who worked on it, and showed it to Ricky. 

"What's this? I don't get it, it's just people's names."

"Just read it carefully." 

Ricky scanned through the names, and finally found what he was looking for. 

Nina Salazar-Roberts 

Assistant Editor

He quickly gathered his belongings, stuffed them in his bag and made his way towards the door. 

"Whoa! Ricky! What's goin on man? Where you going? What about the game?!" 

"I gotta go, Red. I've got so much to do. I need to be in New York right now."

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