chapter 42 - do you get de ja vu?

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Nini paced back and forth in front of her office desk. Gina, who was just there for moral support, was starting to get dizzy. She stood up from her chair, and grabbed Nini by the shoulders.

"Neens, you're driving me crazy. Please sit down. And just tell me what's up..."

"We kissed." Nini said plopping down on her chair and covering her face with her hands.

"What?! When?!" Gina said, not hiding her excitement.

"Last night... Which is why I came early to work today. I just couldn't sleep." Nini said. "It's over... I ruined it..."

"Slow down, child.." Gina took Nini's hands, revealing her face. "Tell me what happened."

"We were talking and drinking and we just had... a moment, I guess." Nini said. "And then
he kissed me and I bolted."

"Did you kiss him back?"

"A little bit."

"What does that even mean?"

"I told you, I bolted. I kissed him back, and then I ran off." Nini cringed as she remembered yet again, the events of last night. "I just wasn't ready and I freaked out. He probably hates me."

"Did you like it?"

"Well.. he's always been a good kisser, so ... I guess I liked it."

"Well then I guess you keep seeing him and then keep kissing him."

"What?!" Nini groaned. "It's not that simple, G."

"It is... Neens, you've been through this with Ricky and you keep coming back to each other. That means something... You're so in love with each other. Every single argument is just silly, because everybody knows you love each other. Just pick up his calls or go see him, and tell him that you want this to work so you need to go slower."

"He probably doesn't even want to see me right now." Nini said sighing.

"It's Ricky. He always wants to see you." Kourtney appeared out of nowhere.


"Nice to see you join the party, K!" Gina said hugging her.

"I'm not. I haven't... 'joined the party' or whatever." She walked towards Nini. "But... I am your friend, and while I don't support this whole Ricky - Nini thing... I do want to support Nini. So... If you'll have me, I'd like to be your friend again."

"Oh Kourt, we never stopped being friends!" Nini engulfed her friend in a hug. "I've missed you so much, I hate arguing with you."

"I missed you too, Neeners... So are you gonna see him? Let's get you dressed."

"I am dressed!"

"Oh, honey... you're dressed for work. You need to dress to impress... or to apologize for running out after an mind blowing kiss.."

"Exactly how long have you been in that corner?!" Nini blushed furiously. Still, she was glad to be on good terms with Kourtney again.

Nini felt stupid. She was standing in front of Ricky's building and she was nervous. It's not like she hadn't done this with Ricky before. But she felt like a teenager.

She reached his door just as he was going out, causing them to bump heads with each other. To her surprise, Ricky laughed.

"I was... just on my way to see you." He said with his hand on his head. "Do you wanna come inside? I'm guessing you wanna talk about what happened last time."

"Okay." Nini said nodding.

He made her a cup of tea and they sat together at the dining table.


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