chapter 39 - all i left behind's got me feelin so torn

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[a/n : basically this happens another three
months after the last chapter. I'm on a roll.]

It had been three months since the baby shower. Ricky and Nini had been.. friendly over text, though it was mostly Ricky texting things like : "I heard on the news it's snowing in New York, hope you're staying warm and healthy." and Nini would simply reply: "Ok. Thanks."

It wasn't like it used to be, and Ricky missed her. He missed their conversations, the way she laughed at his dumb jokes, the way she looked at him. He suspected that his therapist was tired of him talking about how much he missed her.

The last time they met, was when the twins were born (They're adorable). Which was only briefly, because Nini chose to come on the day he had a wedding to shoot. (He suspected she did it on purpose). So they just met in passing.

The fact that she was still keeping her distance made him hesitate slightly on his plan. But he remembered that he was doing it for her, but mostly for himself.

"Well. Good luck out there, man." Red said. "We're gonna miss you around here."

"Please visit me."

"We're so proud of you, Ricky." Ashlyn hugged him. "The boys are going to miss their uncle, too."

"I'll miss them too." Ricky held each of the twins tiny hands in his own, gave them both a peck on the forehead, making them laugh because his curls tickled them, and said goodbye to Red and Ashlyn.

Just in time, he heard the announcement for his plane to board, and just like that he was on his way to New York City. He only hoped that his dreams won't crash and burn there, and the girl of his dreams would find a way to trust him again.

Ricky had just gotten off the plane and arrived at JFK. He was on his way outside to get a cab to Ethan's, where he was going to stay for the night before he's settled in his new place. As he stepped through the glass doors, he felt a someone bump into him.

"Sorry, man. I must've been distracted." Ricky apologized profusely.

"Ricky?" It was Gina's voice, and the person he bumped into was none other than EJ Caswell.

"What're you doing here, Bowen?" EJ did not sound happy.

"I... um. I'm kind of moving here." Ricky said nervously. He had a feeling Nini's coworkers weren't his biggest fans. He was just glad Kourtney wasn't here or he would get his ass whooped in public.

But apparently he spoke too soon, because before he knew what was happening, EJ had grabbed him by the collar and lifted him up slightly. Ricky didn't fight it because he didn't want to make a scene.

"EJ put him down!" Gina started to panic.

"You stay away from Nini." EJ said barely above a whisper, "And Don't you ever hurt her again."

"I can't stay away from her, man." Ricky said. "I've tried and it didn't work-"

EJ put him down and when he least expected it, EJ swung at Ricky and managed to hit his eye. "Try harder!"

By this time security had gathered and Gina was pulling EJ off of Ricky, dragging him inside the airport.

That night at dinner EJ, Kourtney and Gina were acting kind of shifty, and Nini noticed. They were practically squirming in their seats, and when she wasn't looking she saw them arguing in small whispers from the corner of her eyes.

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