chapter 11 - jealousy, jealousy

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[a/n :  hi guys, hope everyone is doing well. I'm trying to update this story everyday, and I hope you're enjoying it. Hopefully this will help us get through the hsmtmts drought for the next year or so haha.. Thanks for reading, I really appreciate it.]

Ricky woke up feeling much better than he did yesterday. He still had a cold, but his fever had gone completely, and he dreamt that a certain brown-eyed girl had kissed him last night. He walked into the kitchen to find a bottle of tylenol and a post-it note on the dining table. He smiled as he recognized Nini's handwriting. 

There's some soup leftover in the fridge and here's some tylenol just in case. 
Hope you feel better, Bowen. :)  Text me if you need anything. 

So it hadn't been a fever dream after all. Nini really was here all night taking care of him. He was smiling like an idiot, and kept reading the note over and over again. Throughout their relationship, Ricky had always been a baby when he was sick, and he had to admit that he sometimes enjoyed it because she would devote all her time for him. He pulled out his phone and sent her a text to thank her. He felt like it wasn't enough though. He wanted to do something special for her. 

Nini, EJ and Kourtney were having lunch, while plotting and scheming. Well, Nini and Kourtney were plotting and scheming, EJ was kind of just sucked into this whole thing, and didn't really have a choice. Nini and Kourtney were planning to introduce EJ to the new girl in Kourtney's team, and EJ was pretending he wasn't interested. 

"Okay, so her name is Gina, she's super passionate about fashion, and she's also really funny and down to earth." Kourtney explained, showing EJ a picture of Gina. 

"I don't know, Kourt. I'm probably not her type. We seem very different." EJ pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. He was insecure about dating, and he was especially nervous in front of pretty girls. Pretty girls normally wanted to be just friends with him, but not date him. The two girls in front of him were living proof of that. 

This was Nini's cue. She was the queen of pep talks, and she knew EJ needed one right now. He was a great guy, and if he just got over his own nerves long enough to actually carry out a conversation he would be a pro at dating. 

"You won't know unless you actually meet her." Nini said, "EJ, you're like one of the nicest guys I know, you're thoughtful and kind. Just talk to her like you talk to us, and see how you feel about each other." 

"That's different." EJ said, "Do you know how nervous I was to meet you for the first time, Nini? I talked about toner for 20 minutes?! I was so relieved when you said you wanted to be friends. Dating's just not my thing." It was true. Whenever he thought about pursuing someone romantically, he became extremely anxious, but when they friendzoned him, he felt the pressure lifted from his shoulders. 

"Okay, but I can tell you like her EJ, and I think it's worth the shot." Nini said, "Look, do you trust us?" 

EJ sighed, "Oddly enough I do." 

"Okay. So if you both end up liking each other, then maybe you'll take another step, if not then you'll have a new friend. But you won't have either one unless you 

"Okay. So if you both end up liking each other, then maybe you'll take another step, if not then you'll have a new friend. But you won't have either one unless you meet her and talk to her, right?" Nini asked.

"I hate to say it, but yes, you're right." EJ rolled his eyes, "But that still doesn't change the fact that I just suck at dates."

"We got you covered dude.." Kourtney said confidently, "Look, let's meet up at Nini's tonight, and we'll prep you for tomorrow."

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