chapter 9 - a moment to begin again

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[a/n: thank you for all of you who are reading this fic. I really appreciate it :) I'm going to keep updating everyday, I've already mapped out a rough idea of how the story will play stay tuned. Also, I just watched the season 2 finale, and I just got so emotional watching the after credit scene, especially seeing Liv. I'm not even thinking about Rini anymore right now.]

After their meeting at the park, Ricky was feeling pretty good, he'd poured out his heart to Nini, and she had been extremely kind and forgiving. Ricky laid on his bed thinking about Nini, and how stunning she looked tonight. Now that he had her forgiveness he needed to make sure she knows that he wants her back. He was going to go slow and not rush things. He wanted to do it right this time.

He grabbed his phone from the night stand and sent her a text.

Ricky : Thank you for today. It was good to see you again.

Nini had insisted on treating him, because he was in her city, Ricky protested, but she said that he could pay her back next time. So he let her, because it meant that there would be a next time, and now he had an excuse to take her out again.

Nini : You're welcome. I had a good time too.

Ricky : Since you paid for dinner, I feel like it's my turn to treat you. Lunch tomorrow?

Nini : Sorry, I can't tomorrow. I have plans with my coworker. He's going to help me pick out a puppy!

Ricky's heart dropped to his stomach. He didn't miss the fact that the coworker was a he. He tried to recall the guy he saw her with at her office. He wondered if Nini was dating him. He's everything Ricky was insecure about. He was tall, handsome, successful, and he's getting her a puppy?! How was Ricky supposed to compete with that?

He was brought out of his thoughts by another text from the doe-eyed girl.

Nini :  How about brunch on Sunday instead? You can pick the place this time..

Well, Ricky was going to take what he could get. He decided that if she was dating that guy, he would deal with it later. For now he was going to enjoy spending time with her and just having her back in his life.

Ricky : Deal. See you Sunday !

"Oh my God EJ.. they're so cute, I wanna take all of them home!" Nini was currently at the dog shelter with EJ, and she was sitting down in one corner with labrador puppies piling up on her lap.

"I told you they were cute." EJ said. "Here, why don't you try feeding them."

She put some kibble on her palm, and the puppies tumbled and rushed towards it. But one puppy in particular didn't care at all, he refused to join his siblings and was fast asleep with his head her lap.

"I think I know which one I want." Nini said. "He's the one, Elton."

"I told you to stop calling me that, Nina." EJ said, "Okay, I'll just do the paperwork, then we can get some lunch and puppy stuff, and then you can take him home."

"Thank you, good Sir."

They had a quick lunch at a nearby McDonalds, and went to the pet shop to get dog food, a dog bed and some toys. Then EJ offered to walk her home, and help her carry all the stuff. This puppy was going to be a spoiled brat.

"So, do you have a name in mind, for the puppy?" EJ asked.

"I'm thinking maybe Harry Styles." Nini said, making EJ roll his eyes. "What? You're not the only one who gets to be named after a famous British musician."

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