Clarke's Memories Part 3

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Mikaelson Mansion

Everyone gathered around to watch more of Clarke's memories.

{Clarke's Family Memory #1}

Clarke was sitting with her friends Oliver, Felicity, Diggle, Thea, and Laurel Kori and they were all hanging out when Barbara Gordon came inside.

"Shut it down." A woman said next to Barbara

"Miss internet thug where is she at?" Barbara said "What kind of person goes out and spread all these lies about someone carrying somebody else's baby." 

The Mikaelson's watch as everyone's jaw has dropped

"Maybe the kind of person that would be fake dating a billionaire?" Barbara said

"No it could be the type of bitch that would try to shame their girlfriend by releasing flase nudity pictures of her" Oliver said

"Oh no it wasn't me." Barbara said

"Yes it was." Klaus said

"Oh no it was you, it was you and your fat ass friend." Laurel said

Diggle was trying to calm Clarke down so she wouldn't get up.

"Diggle your not holding me tight." Clarke said

The Mikaelson's laugh as she tries to grab Barbara.

"Clarke i'm holding your circulation." Diggle said trying to restrain her

"So keep taking your meds and stop focusing about me and we can finish this conversation in about 2 and a half months when I have my baby."  Barbara said 

"Be blessed everyone." she said as she walked out

"Come see me when you drop that demon seed bitch!" Clarke yelled

"Oh I will and maybe i'll teach you how to be a good mother too bye." Barbara said as she walked

"Wow." Hope laughed

They watch as Clarke grabbed and started running towards Barbara.

"Clarke! Clarke no!" Diggle yelled as him and Oliver try to catch her.

"I'm going to fuck her up." Clarke said and throws the chair towards Barbara but she dodges out of the way.

"Is she really trying to throw a chair at her?!" Hayley yelled

"Hey I would too." Rebekah said

"Me too." Elijah said

"For once we agree on brother." Klaus said

"You guys grab her! Grab her!" Thea yelled as they started chasing after Clarke

"What the hell are you guys doing?!" Laurel yelled

"They're not going to make it." Marcel said

"They better." Hope said

Clark was running towards Barbara's car to get at her. Oliver was able to grab Clark before she reached the door.

"Everytime I see this bitch she better be prepared." Clarke said 

"I know. I know." Oliver as he rubbed her arms.

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