Chapter 1

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Arrow Cave

Clare was hitting the dummy. When Diggle came in she kicked his head off and it landed near.

"Really?" Diggle asked as he picked up the head. "Sorry I just have a lot on my mind." Clarke said. "Is this about your mother?" Diggle asked "When Damien revealed that he killed my mother it build up this anger inside of me and I just need to release it before I hurt anyone else." Clarke said

"Your mother would've been proud of the woman you've become today." Diggle said "Thanks." Clarke said and they walked out

Starling City Police Department

Clarke was sitting on her computer doing work when Cisco and Barry had came in.

"Hey Clarke." Barry said

"Barry. Cisco." Clarke said as she hugged them. "What are you guys doing here?"

"We want to take you out tonight." Cisco said as he handed her a ticket.

"Wait a second, let me take a guess neither of you guys have a date to take the game." Clarke said

"Do you want to come or not?" Cisco asked annoyed

"Alright." Clarke said as she grabbed her stuff and left with them.

Oliver and Clarke's Apartment (Night)

It was 7 o'clock. Oliver was getting dinner ready for him and Clarke because he was going to ask Clarke to marry him. Oliver was sitting the dinner on the table when he heard the door knock. Before he opened the door, Oliver got shot with three tranquilizer darts in his neck and then he fell to the ground.

Three men came inside the apartment.

"Are you sure this is him?" The guy asked

"It's him alright." The other one said

As soon as they went to pick up Oliver, Oliver kicks the guy in his knee and he falls down.

"Shit." The guy cursed

Everyone tries to attack Oliver but he was too fast. The third guys eyes had turned a different color and his teeth began to change into a werewolf. He scratches Oliver in his back making him cry out in pain.

The first guy ran and tackled him and Oliver fell onto the glass table. The second guy stepped on Oliver's face knocking him out.

"Now let's get him out of here before the girl shows up." Guy #1 said

The other one picked up Oliver and tossed him over his shoulder and then left.

Clarke's Apartment (Night)

Clarke was coming home from the game she was at with Cisco and Barry. When she walks inside the first thing she saw was their table knocked over, their was glass on the floor, and the window was broken into.

She takes out her gun that she had hidden in her pockets.

Just as Clarke was about to walk into the kitchen a masked figure showed up behind her. He was about to swing behind Clarke when she ducked just in time and punched the guy in his face.

They were both blowing blows at each other. The bad guy gets the upper hand and was about to stab Clarke when she grabbed his arm. She headbutts him and gives him a roundhouse kick.

The masked figure woke up and saw Clarke standing in front of him

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The masked figure woke up and saw Clarke standing in front of him. 

"Wakey, wakey, sleepyhead." Clarke said and then punched him in the face. 

"Where the hell is Oliver?" Clarke asked. "Don't know." he said . "Wrong answer." Clarke said with a smirk and she grabbed a large knife. "Last chance, where is he?" She asked

"Sorry don't know." The masked figure. Clarke smiles and said, "Too bad, I really didn't want to have to do this."

A few hours later Clarke came out of her apartment covered in blood. 

"Hey Diggle we have a problem." Clarke said as she picked her phone

Somewhere In Starling (Night)

Oliver had wakened up. He tried to move his arms but they were strapped down to a table.

"Hello Oliver." A voice said. "Who the hell are you?" Oliver asked irritated. "My name is not your concern now." The female said. "What do you want?" he asked.

"Revenge. Your girlfriend killed someone I love so I plan on bringing him back." THe woman answered.

"And you need a host." Oliver realized. "Indeed and I found the perfect one." The woman said. "You better pray that I kill you before Clarke does." Oliver said

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