Chapter 2

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Somewhere In Russia

Oliver's Dream

Prometheus had Clarke tied up and on the boat with him. Oliver had arrived on the boat.

"Let them go!" Oliver yelled. "You killed my father so now you get to watch the love of your life die." Prometheus said

"Oliver!" Clarke yelled

Oliver looks at Clarke, "It's okay. Just take care of Aria." She cried

"I'm not going to let you die." Oliver said

Prometheus had dragged Clarke to the edge of the boat. Oliver followed him.

"Don't. Come. Any. Closer." Prometheus hissed

"It's me you want. Let Clarke go." Oliver said

"I want to watch you suffer." Prometheus said

"NO!" Oliver yelled as Prometheus stabbed Clarke in the chest.

He throws Clarke into the water and Oliver dives in after her.

End of Dream

Oliver gasped awake. He was still strapped to a table and he had chords wrapped on him.

Oliver begins to laugh, "What's so funny?" One of the guards asked

"Just the look on your face when you find out I'm about to kick your ass." Oliver smiled

One of the soldiers walked up to Oliver with a syringe and was about to stab him with it until Oliver wrapped his legs around him. He kicks the other soldier in his stomach, cuts his straps with a knife he had hidden and stabs the other soldier in his neck.

Oliver begins to run and is about to be free when he is grabbed by his neck. He tries to make the guy let go of but instead he squeezes him hard.

"Don't! I need him alive" The woman yelled

The big guy slams Oliver's head against the wall, making him pass out.

Arrow Cave

Clarke had walked into their base. She walked in on Diggle and Thea sparring.

"Clarke what happened to you?!" Thea asked. "Don't worry it's not mine." Clarke said as Diggle was examining her. "That doesn't answer my question." Thea said "Oliver's been kidnapped." Clarke stated simply. "What?" Felicity said in shock.

"By who?" Thea asked. "I'm about to show you. I need you guys to gather everyone" Clarke said

A few minutes later Dinah, Curtis, Quentin, and Rene had shown up.

"Hey Felicity I need you to pull up Caterina Black." Clarke said "Okay I'm finding her now." Felicity said as she pulled up a screen

"Who is she?" Curtis asked "Her name is Caterina Black. Back when I was going undercover I was partners with her and her husband Drake Brock. They worked for the Joker." Clarke said

"The Joker?" René asked "As in the guy who killed Jason Todd?" Dinah asked "Yep. That would be him." Clarke said "But why would she want Oliver?" Thea asked "I killed her husband after I got free and had my powers. She's probably trying to bring him back." Clarke said

"But how, I thought we got rid of all the Lazarus Pits?" Diggle asked "We did." Thea said "Caterina has been experienced with some black magic." Clarke said "So you're telling me that witches are real?" Curtis asked

"From what my mother told me, yes they are." Clarke answered "And she took Oliver as a host for her husband." Felicity realized

"Where is Caterina now?" Thea asked "I don't know." Clarke said "What happens when she brings back Drake?" Quentin asked "Well the only way to kill a ghost is to kill the host." Clarke answered "But we're not going to kill Oliver, we'll find him before that happens." Dinah said

"My mother was once a powerful witch. If we can bring her back, we'll be able to save Oliver." Clarke said

"How, Clarke, she's dead?" Diggle asked "I know someone who can bring her back." Clarke said "I need you guys to find Barry and contact Sara. I'm going to need their help." she said as she began to walk away

"Where are you going?" Quentin asked "I'm going to see an old friend." Clarke answered simply as she walked out

Los Angeles (morning)

Clarke had arrived at a house. "I hate knocking on this door." Clarke sighed.

When Clarke knocked on the door it opened. "Hello Clarke, to what do I owe the pleasure?" the man said. "Well uncle Lucifer I need your help." Clarke said

"First answer this question. What do you most desire?" Lucifer asked as he looked into Clarke's eyes.

"You know what I want uncle, Luci." Clarke said

"You know hon, bringing someone back from the dead is going to pay a hefty price." Lucifer said

"I know and I promise I'll pay you back." Clarke said

"Well then let's get a move on shall we." Lucifer said

(The Underworld)

Clarke and Lucifer had entered hell. Clarke could hear the screams of its victims and tried to block them out but she couldn't help but feel bad.

"This way child." Lucifer said

Clarke runs towards Lucifer and she stops when she hears a woman crying. The woman was tall, slender, and pale green-skinned with jet black hair.

The woman looks at Clarke.

"Clarke?" The said

"Mom?" Clarke said  

Special Guest Stars

Ana De Armas as Caterina Black

Tom Ellis as Lucifer Morningstar

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Tom Ellis as Lucifer Morningstar

Tom Ellis as Lucifer Morningstar

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Angelina Jolie as Emilie Forest

Angelina Jolie as Emilie Forest

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