Chapter 5

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{Somewhere In Star City}

Clarke walked inside the doctor's office.

"Hi, can I help you?" The receptionist asked. "My name is Clarke Forrest, I had an appointment today." Clarke said

"Yeah, sure, let me check." The receptionist said, typing her computer. "Aw, yes, Clarke Forrest, Dr. Manning is down this hall to the right." She said

"Thanks." Clarke said

{Lucifer's Club}

Elijah and Lucifer lay on the bed next to each other. "That was amazing." Lucifer said, panting. "As much as I'd like to stay, my siblings need me." Elijah said as he got out of bed.

"Well I hope I gave you all the information you need." Lucifer said as he got up too.

"You did." Elijah said. Lucifer goes up to Elijah and kisses him again. "Tell me, does Rebekah know about you and me?" Lucifer asked

"No, I haven't told her." Elijah said "Well then it's only a matter of time before she does find out." Lucifer said

"Hmm." Elijah said and then left.

{Mikaelson Mansion}

"Where is Elijah, he should've been back by now?" Klaus asked, walking back and forth. "Will you please stop pacing, you'll rip the floorboard off?" Davina said

The Mikaelson's turned their heads when they heard the door open. "Where have you been?" Klaus asked.

"Relax, Niklaus, I was just getting information." Elijah said, walking past him.

"Did you find out where Clarke lives?" Hope asked. "Yes, in a place called Star City." Elijah said. "Good let's go." Klaus said

{Somewhere In Star City}

Clarke was walking to a restaurant. Barbara had called and asked her to meet up, so she decided to come.

She walks inside and sees Barbara already sitting down.

"Hey Clarke, how are you? Thanks for coming." Barbara said as they sat down. "So it's weird meeting with me, considering where we left off?"

"Yeah, um, I never expected you to call me, after I had pulled you over the railing." Clarke said

"I just want to thank you for even sitting down with me because I feel like this is serious and I needed to talk to you." Barbara said

"You said some things about my child that I didn't like." Clarke said.

"And that's what I wanted to talk to you about." Barbara said. She takes a deep breath. "I just wanted to apologize for what I said about Aria, I never should've called her an "abomination" or a "freak" and for that I'm sorry." She said

"I accept your apology and I would also like to apologize for endangering your child when you were pregnant, no matter what I was going through, threatening the life of an unborn child is not cool. I also want to apologize for throwing you over the railing." Clarke said

"It's okay, I deserved it for what I said about Aria." Barbara said. "I really wasn't thinking that day, and seeing you just really set me over the edge." Clarke said

"I was calling you today to try and make peace with you and Kori, and maybe we could at least try and co-parent." Barbara said. "Yeah I would like that." Clarke said

"Can we call a truce?" Barbara asked, holding her hand out. "Yeah we can." Clarke said, and she shook Barbara's hand.

"Look at us, becoming mature women." Barbara said

{Clarke & Oliver's Apartment}

Clarke had just arrived home after coming from the doctor's office. She was excited to tell Oliver the good news.

She opens the door and sees their apartment has been decorated and Oliver was in a suit.

"Well this is surprising." Clarke said. "I kind of wanted it to surprise." Oliver said

She grabs Oliver's hand and they sit down. "I have to tell you something." They said together

"You go first." Oliver said

"Well I went to the doctor's to find out what was wrong and they showed me this." Clarke said. She pulls out a picture revealing she was pregnant.

"Wait Clarke are you serious?" Oliver asked. "My baby is going to have a baby?" Oliver asked surprised

"Yep." Clarke squealed.

"Oh my god." Oliver said as he gave her a hug. "Now, um, what were you going to say to me." Clarke said

"Well." Oliver said.

"When I met you, I knew I'd met my match. It was only a matter of time until we arrived at this moment. How it turns out is all in your hands. You deserve the very best, someone who will back you up without limits, let you grow without borders, and love you without end. Will you let me be the one?" Oliver said as he got on one knee

"Clarke Mckenzie Forrest, will you marry me?" Oliver asked as he opened the ring

"Yes." Clarke cried. Oliver takes out the ring and puts it on her finger

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