He Protects you pt. 4

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💜Gally: "There she is!" You hear a voice whisper. Chills cover your back and arms. You're walking around at night and suddenly it seems like this might not be the best idea. You begin to walk a little faster, but the stranger catches up to you. A hand clasps over your mouth, and two more arms lift you up, carying you away. You squirm and fight for your life, though it isn't even effective in the least. The kinappers carry you into the deadheads and begin to tie you up when everyone jumps at the loud bark only Gally could give off. "Hey!" he shouts. "What're you doing?"
You know he senses something isn't right, and you wish you could tell him. There is nothing but silence coming from the small group you're with. You need to sound off before Gally leaves, so you bite the hand of the boy keeping you quiet. He pulls back in surprise and you scream as loud as you can within those few seconds you have before someone takes his place. Gally comes running into action, but you spot something glimmer in the moonlight- a knife. To alarm your boyfriend, you grunt and thrash your head towards the general direction of the weapon. Gally motions at you to calm down, and you assume he's gotten the message.
He takes on multiple people at once, all viciously attacking. The commotion attracts the attention of two of three more Gladers. You can't make out much more than silhouettes, but they're here to help. By morning the kidnappers are brutally punished and Gally's badly wounded. You visit him as soon as you can break away from the MedJacks and curious others. Gally has one black eye, and a small scratch over his temple, that almost caused him to bleed to death. Luckily it was taken care of before reaching that extremity. You try to explain to him how thankful you are, but he insists you shouldn't have to thank him. "It's my duty to protect you. If something would've happened to ya, I don't know what I'd do with myself. I should be the thankful one- thankful that you're alive."
You smile and wrap your arms around him lightly so you don't hurt his terribly bruised arm. "You're my hero."
He doesn't say anything at first, but then he replies with, "I would do anything to keep that title. I love you so much, y/n."

Dedicated to @BillCipher333

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