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    Xia Chengnan and Lu Shulan almost immediately rushed upstairs when they heard Xia Zichen's voice. Then they saw Xia Zichen standing in front of Xia Chenxi, crying so miserably.

    Seeing her parents coming up, Xia Zichen rushed to Lu Shulan immediately and complained: "Oh, mom and dad, big sister pinch me!"

    Lu Shulan quickly picked him up, "Where did you pinch? Mom, take a look."

    Xia Zichen twisted. Her body just showed a pinch mark on her arm, and Lu Shulan looked distressed.

    Xia Chengnan looked at Xia Chenxi in disbelief, "Chenxi, he is your brother, how can you

    pin him!" Xia Chenxi only turned her face and looked at Xia Zichen indifferently, "I didn't frame me like this.

    My brother." "What are you talking about?" Xia Chengnan asked: "Does Zichen still lie and wrong you?"

    "Dad, don't be angry, maybe it's just a misunderstanding. Sister can't pinch Zichen." Xia Yanran hurriedly Dao, then looked at Xia Zichen anxiously, "Zichen, tell the truth with your second sister, don't lie!"

    Xia Zichen cried more fiercely, and buried her face in Lu Shulan's arms aggrieved.

    Lu Shulan looked at Xia Chenxi, "Chenxi, what the hell did Zichen do, why did you pin him, he is only five years old, how can you abuse a child!"

    Xia Chenxi turned around, stood up, and said: " dad, mom, I came back from the room, leaving a teacher back in the cook art work, my hands full of paint, if I pinch son Chen, his body where energy so clean! "

    his words, everyone Look at Xia Chenxi.

    There was already some dried paint on her clothes, which proved that the paint was not after Xia Zichen cried. She noticed something was wrong, and then she hurriedly worked it out to perfuse it.

    On Xia Chenxi's fingers, some of the colorful paints were still reflecting the light, which was obviously not dry. There were still paint trays and drawing paper on the table.

    "This..." Xia Chengnan looked at this scene in disbelief, and then looked at the pinched skin of Xia Zichen. It was originally covered by his sleeves, but the clothes were clean and there was no paint. Mark of.

    Xia Zichen also seemed to realize that something was wrong and stopped crying.

    Xia Yanran felt that something was wrong, so she hurriedly asked: "

    Zichen , what's the matter? Why did you say that big sister pinched you?" After all , Xia Zichen was only a five-year-old child, and her eyes flickered and said: "Big sister ... The big sister said that she is doing homework, let me not disturb her, if I disturb her, pinch me. Mom, I'm so

    scared ." Lu Shulan hugged Xia Zichen distressedly, and patted his back. "Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. Mom is here. Your sister is just doing her homework seriously and doesn’t want others to disturb her. She doesn’t really want to pinch you, don’t be afraid."

    Lu Shulan was so foolish, but Xia Chengnan was a little bit suspicious. How could her son be threatened, saying that her daughter was trying to pinch him, and at this time, it happened to show a trace of a pinch on his hand?

    But it is wrong to say that the son deliberately pinches himself to frame his daughter. He is still a five-year-old. How could he do such an injustice? And he is so young, how can he have the strength to pinch himself?

    Xia Chenxi saw that they understood that they didn't do it by herself, so she said: "Dad, Mom, I don't have a tendency to abuse children. I still want to paint. When you go out, help me bring the door."

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