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    Qin Yifeng continued to play basketball wearing a vest and school pants. The boys around him originally thought that Xia Chenxi borrowed his school uniform to wear it by himself, but he didn't expect Xia Chenxi to surround her with Banhua. Even if it is a boy, he knows what it means, and he immediately feels good about Xia Chenxi.

    "Isn't Xia Chenxi taking advantage of us because of the money in the family? I feel like people are pretty good."

    Qin Yifeng pursed her lips and said, "She didn't look down on anyone."

    "Yo yo yo, you are not the squad leader ." Don't you like others, why do you still speak for him?"

    "The relationship is not normal."

    Several boys laughed and teased, Qin Yifeng frowned, "Just tell the truth." Although stupid, he is easy to learn, at least he is a good person.

    After all, Xia Chenxi was still worried about Lu Xiaoxiao, and after talking to the physical education teacher, she was going to go back to the dormitory.

    When I arrived in the dormitory, I saw Lu Xiaoxiao flipping through the drawer in a panic, as if looking for something. Xia Chenxi simply went to take her aunt's towel and handed it to her, "Use mine."

    Lu Xiaoxiao took it awkwardly, "Thank you."

    She took off her school uniform jacket and took on a new school pants. , Went into the bathroom.

    Xia Chenxi picked up the coat and saw that the coat was clean and not stained with blood, so he wanted to return it to Qin Yifeng later.

    However, after a while, Lu Xiaoxiao came out of the bathroom, and Xia Chenxi said, "Let's go, go back to class, and have lunch

    later ." Seeing that she was holding the jacket in her hand , Lu Xiaoxiao stopped talking .

    When the two returned to the playground, Xia Chenxi saw Qin Yifeng only wearing a vest and playing basketball there. There were many girls around them still watching them, poking their lips at once.

    I am afraid that this guy is so happy to be surrounded by girls at this moment!

    There were only two minutes left before the end of get out of class. The physical education teacher asked everyone to return the equipment. The girls were about to go to the cafeteria in advance to queue up for a meal, so they left.

    Xia Chenxi had time to step forward and handed her school uniform jacket to Qin Yifeng, "It's ready."

    Qin Yifeng said, "...I think there is a bloody smell."

    Xia Chenxi quickly smelled it, "No."

    Qin Yifeng said: " You wash it up and give it to me."

    "Then what are you wearing now?"

    "I will wear another one when I go back to the dormitory."

    So Xia Chenxi got the dog man's coat.

    "Xiaoxiao, move fast, we are going to have lunch." A girl over there was calling Lu Xiaoxiao.

    Lu Xiaoxiao nodded, "You go and eat first." As

    she said, she stood still, just looking at Xia Chenxi.

    "Are you going to wait for Xia Chenxi to eat together?" the girl asked suspiciously.

    Lu Xiaoxiao's face was a little red, "No, you think too much, I'm just not hungry." After the

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