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    Xia Chenxi was stunned, and then the head teacher continued to say the results: "Second place is Xia Chenxi, with a total score of 734." When

    she reacted, she was almost crying! Instead of three hundred and fifty thousand, only three hundred thousand were taken in this exam.

    "Sorry for the host, the amount of your reward has been distributed to the system wallet. Although it is less than 50,000, it is still very good. Look at the small money, will you feel better?" The system may also be aware of Xia Chenxi's mood. It's so beautiful, and the tone is much gentler.

    However, Xia Chenxi felt aggrieved when she thought that she had lost 50,000 yuan in reward.

    She has improved by four points in 50 days, which is quite impressive. After all, adding four points to the 730 points is already very difficult.

    However, Qin Yifeng's abnormality is directly higher by 6.5 points? What did he do in these fifty days? Did the tuition go?

    Xia Chenxi gave Qin Yifeng a fierce look.

    At this moment, Qin Yifeng's children's shoes were always excited.

    He is the number one again, no more stupid than her, so I will talk to her tonight to confirm the relationship between the two of them!

    The teacher said that after completing the grades, he would let everyone study by themselves. Xia Chenxi was still a little out of the way when he was studying this evening.

    This is the first time she has regressed in the exam rankings since her rebirth. Her results have always been in a progressive state, and her rankings have been higher each time. This makes her feel that everything has gone well since her rebirth, and this time her exams are 4 points higher , Never expected Qin Yifeng to overtake suddenly.

    Although she had been psychologically prepared before, after all, she was only 0.5 points higher than Qin Yifeng last time. It can be said that she was lucky, but she was really surpassed in the ranking. She still felt hot and tweeted.

    Why can only sit once in the first position? I was kicked by the previous emperor before I was sitting on the hot seat of the king?

    After the evening self-study was over, Xia Chenxi returned to the dormitory. She was in a bad mood and didn't want to study, so she took a bath early and climbed into bed, ready to think about life, and give herself psychological counseling.

    However, when she just climbed onto the bed, the phone began to vibrate, a message from a certain dog man!

    Qin Yifeng: I'm downstairs in your dormitory, can you come down?

    Xia Chenxi sat on the bed and began to reply to him.

    Xia Chenxi: What do you do?

    Qin Yifeng: I have something to say to you in person, can I come down for a while?

    Xia Chenxi felt that he might have come to provoke.

    It must be because she said that she didn't like being stupid last time, so he took his grudges and came to bury himself.

    Xia Chenxi was a little angry right now, put on her underwear, stepped on her slippers and stepped downstairs. As soon as she walked out of the dormitory building, she saw Qin Yifeng standing not far away.

    He is still wearing a school uniform and a coat over him. Even if it is a very simple style, it looks a little different when worn on him.

    Xia Chenxi walked over and asked blankly: "What do you want to tell me?"

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