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    Xia Yanran wiped her tears aggrievedly, "I'm sorry, I'm dragging you back. I didn't expect that I would fall. Not only did I fail to get the bonus points for the 200m, but you have to find someone to participate in four times one hundred. "It's

    okay, it's okay. There are already few girls in our class, so don't miss this point. Don't cry. It won't be good if your eyes become swollen."

    Xia Chenxi returned to her position and sat down and listened to Chen Wen:" If you are hypocritical, you can act. Don’t you fall down? If you don’t have a point, you don’t have a point. It's like a big thing, and you have to cry for comfort. It is her responsibility, and others have to take care of her."

    Xia Chenxi I didn't pay attention to Chen Wen. The female sports committee checked the registration of the girls, and found that the few people who ran fast had all the projects full.

    For sports meeting registration, each person can register up to three events. Because they are in science classes and the number of girls is small, girls who have better sports performances will generally choose the events they are good at. Those who can register will register. The remaining positions will be given to others. Girls make up the number.

    For a 100-meter run, the fastest in the class is Lu Xiaoxiao, followed by the female sports committee member, and then Chen Wen.

    Xia Yanran was actually pulled up to make up the number. She was running at an average speed.

    "How about it, who else can replace it?" A girl next to it asked the sports committee member.

    The sports committee frowned, and said: "There are only three people, but two of them are counted down from 100 meters in our class. Then Xia Chenxi only ran three kilometers yesterday. I think she still has weak legs."

    Xia Chenxi moved slightly. I asked in my heart: "The system, four times one hundred won, is there a reward?"

    "Some hosts, but the reward is only a quarter of the single event. The first place is 500 yuan, the second place is 250 yuan, and the third The name is 150 yuan." No

    matter how small a mosquito is, it is meat!

    Xia Chenxi quickly stood up and said: "I'm here, my legs are not soft, I can run another 3000 meters!"

    Everyone: "..." Classmate Xia Chenxi really has a sense of class collective honor!

    Many classmates who had previously disliked Xia Chenxi now had a different view of her.

    They only ran three kilometers yesterday, and they didn't believe her legs were not soft today! Tomorrow afternoon, I am going to run four times one hundred. This is a good person!

    "Are you sure you can?" the sports committee member asked worriedly.

    "No problem!" Xia Chenxi lifted his chin confidently.

    "Okay, then I'll report your number and replace it." The sports committee member said, taking down Xia Chenxi's entry number, and then going to the check-in office to report it.

    Xia Yanran sat there and saw that many people around him were looking at Xia Chenxi, and they seemed to have changed her mind. When Qin Yifeng was also looking at Xia Chenxi, she couldn't help but feel sour.

    She had been crying by Qin Yifeng for so long, and he didn't have a word of comfort. Xia Chenxi said that she was going to run, and Qin Yifeng turned to look? Is she so good-looking?

    Xia Yanran was sour in her heart, but she could only sit sulking.

    Xia Chenxi didn't wear any sportswear because there was no competition today. Fortunately, the four times one hundred competition will only start after all the single events are over. It will start tomorrow afternoon, which is no problem.

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