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   When Xia Chenxi thought of this, she suddenly felt happy in her heart. She was so poor in her previous life that she could only live in a small room, and she did not like what she ate every day, but in this life she could use the system to buy a house to increase her income.

    Speaking of it, most of the principal of buying a house is brought to her by the system, and only a small part is her pocket money deposit.

    "System, I love you so much!" Xia Chenxi said in her heart.

    "Host, there is reproductive isolation between the system monarch and humans. Even if you love the system, the system monarch can't be with you."

    "...No, I'm not talking about that kind of love, but my love for money! Transferred to you! By the way, how many years will you stay with me? Is it because I graduated from the college entrance examination and you stopped following me?" Xia Chenxi asked with some worry.

    If so, what if she still has a mortgage to pay before the college entrance examination is over?

    "You don’t know the host. Our system monarch has a long lifespan. As long as the system can continue to run, it will accompany the host for life. Please rest assured that you can just buy a house!"

    Xia Chenxi was immediately moved when she heard this. Hurry up, one house this semester and one house next semester. If you can get another house before the demolition, she will have four demolition houses when she is demolished!

    Xia Chenxi couldn't help but wonder if there are houses to be demolished in other communities. She has to get the money after the demolition and buy them in other communities. Even if it is not a demolished house, the house price must rise very high. House!

    Xia Chenxi thought for a long time in her little head, and found that it was hard to think of it, so she started to check the houses in the system mall when she took a shower that night.

    A house is a relatively safe investment. As long as the house is well-finished, with memories of house demolition in her previous life like her, then this investment can be used to make a lot of money.

    If you are not born again, you can only buy a house based on your own experience of the house.

    Xia Chenxi watched for a long time and found that there was no impression of her in the second-hand houses, but she was certain that several of the school district houses were the key points.

    At this time, the house price is not particularly high. The house of 18,000 square meters in the previous life is now 13,000 square meters. It is estimated that when the house on hand is demolished, the highest price will be 14,000. If you buy it, wait a few years for her to be 25 years old. , The price can be increased by another 4000 square meters.

    Xia Chenxi listed these school district houses as one of his plans, but all positioned them as replacements. After all, the demolition took place when she was 18-19 years old, but these houses would not have 18,000 square meters until she was 25 years old, which was too slow.

    After looking at the second-hand houses, Xia Chenxi began to look at the new houses. They were all real estates. She looked carefully and found that one of the real estates was quite familiar. Upon closer inspection, it seemed to be the economic development zone of City A.

    After an area is listed as an economic development zone, it usually takes a while before the neighborhood is actually developed. Therefore, the housing price will be low at the beginning, because it is actually the suburbs. Until the surrounding buildings are completed, buses and subways are all built. Only when it is connected, there will be more people coming and going, and by that time, housing prices will also rise.

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