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    "Friendly reminder, the test time is in early December, and the next monthly test will be in mid-December~" the system said awkwardly.

    Xia Chenxi was angry: "There are only a few days apart! This requirement is too high!"

    "Hehehe, host, come on, the system

    master believes that you will be able to complete the task!" Xia Chenxi: "... …"I thank you for believing in me!

    After the end of the first night of self-study this evening, Xia Yanran walked to Xia Chenxi, "I have something to say to you."

    Xia Chenxi looked at her suspiciously for a while, and said , "Then tell me."

    "It's not talking here ." Let’s find a place where there is no one.” Xia Yanran said.

    "The entire teaching building is full of students, and during the end of get out of class, there are people. Where is the place where no one comes from?" Xia Chenxi asked puzzledly.

    Xia Yanran: "Go to the experimental teaching building."

    Xia Chenxi felt deceitful, so she pretended to be afraid, and whispered: "I'm not going, so dark, I'm afraid."

    Xia Yanran asked dissatisfiedly: "It's just It’s just a few words, and I’m here and I’m not letting you go alone. What are you afraid of? What bad things have you done so guilty?"

    Xia Chenxi felt that she had a problem more and more, and when she was about to talk, Lu Xiaoxiao couldn’t bear it. Lived, "Isn't it enough to be afraid of the dark? It must be a guilty conscience? Girls can't be afraid of the dark?"

    Xia Chenxi nodded quickly and pretended to be pitiful, "I am very afraid of the dark."

    Xia Yanran was about to say that she was not afraid of sleeping every night. Hei, Qin Yifeng said: "Student Xia Yanran, don't force others to do things you don't want to do. It's not good for you to force Xia Chenxi like this."

    Xia Yanran suddenly felt aggrieved, "I just have something to say to her."

    "Since you are sisters, if you have something to say at home," Qin Yifeng said, "What's more, if the lights are not turned on at night in the experimental teaching building, it is not safe for girls to go."

    Xia Yanran wanted to say that this is at school, even if it is dark, what can be insecure? Is there still a pervert?

    But the other party was Qin Yifeng, so he could only give up and go back.

    Lu Xiaoxiao wondered, "What the hell is she doing? Why do you have to take you to whisper?"

    "It doesn't look like you are going to whisper, but it seems to be asking me to settle accounts." Xia Chenxi frowned

    Said : "Forget it, don't care about her, she is holding back what's going on." Until Friday of this week, Xia Chenxi packed her things and was about to go home when she was stopped by Xia Yanran downstairs in the dormitory.

    Xia Yanran dragged her to the back of the dormitory to talk.

    "What the hell are you doing?" Xia Chenxi asked.

    "Did you do something about the loss of meal expenses last time?" Xia Yanran glared at her and asked.

    Xia Chenxi felt a little bit in her heart, but thinking that Xia Yanran would not have any evidence, she asked, "Didn't you lose the meal? What does it have to do with me?"

    "If it has nothing to do with you, then why would you say it in front of your mother? Deduct your pocket money? Xia Chenxi, I don't believe you are so kind!" Xia Yanran gritted her teeth.

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