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    Thinking of this, Qin Yifeng couldn't help but feel a little worried.

    Back in the bedroom that night, Qin Yifeng looked in the mirror for a long time.

    Since he confessed, he bought a mirror and put it on the table. He occasionally looked at the mirror to make sure that he looked good. This was relieved. I'm afraid that one day my face value will drop, my sweetheart will run away with other boys.

    His roommate saw him holding a mirror and couldn't help but smile and said, "Squad leader, why do you always look in the mirror these days? You are already handsome, so you don't need to look at it!"

    "Um... Um." Qin Yifeng responded, but still I looked at it with worry, and then thought that I don't think handsome enough. I heard that boys and girls have different aesthetics, and between girls, each person's favorite type is also different.

    Xia Chenxi likes it.

    Xia Chenxi must like his face. After all, she not only praised him for his good looks once, but in case there were more handsome boys in college...

    Qin Yifeng couldn't help but search the Internet, Q big and B big, which The boys in the school grow up better.

    After looking at it, it seems that no one has answered this question. It seems that Du Niang is not a panacea.

    That night, Qin Yifeng struggled for a long time, and sent a message to Xia Chenxi before going to bed.

    Qin Yifeng: What kind of boy do you like?

    Xia Chenxi: She looks good, she has a good figure, and treats me well.

    Qin Yifeng: What kind of looks are good-looking? What kind of body is good? Is there a standard?

    It took a while for Xia Chenxi over there to reply to him.

    Xia Chenxi: It can't be that kind of pretty girl, it has to be handsome and pretty. To be in good shape is to have pectoral muscles and eight-pack abs, and to have a sense of security.

    Qin Yifeng stretched out his hand and touched his abdominal muscles, making sure it was eight yuan, and then touched his chest muscles, which looked very good, and immediately felt relieved.

    Since she likes boys with pectoral and abdominal muscles, it is safer to come to him.

    After all, there should not be many boys who are handsomer than him or about the same as him. They have to be in the same school as her, and they have to have chest muscles and abdominal muscles, which is difficult.

    He is temporarily safe!

    After the third mode, there is only one month left before the college entrance examination, and all senior high school students have entered the intense review stage.

    One week before the college entrance examination, No. 1 Middle School is closed for five days, and then two days before the college entrance examination, students will return to the school to answer questions.

    Xia Chenxi and Qin Yifeng have made an appointment to go out to study together these few days. Because Qin Yifeng came to Xia's house every time, the two were not very close, and it was a waste of time to go back and forth, so they simply chose a shopping mall that was about the same distance from their homes.

    After having breakfast in the morning, the two went out.

    Although she came to study, Xia Chenxi felt that this could barely be regarded as a date before being officially together. So last night, she carefully selected a dress. The skirt was relatively short and only covered half of her thighs. She wore it inside. A piece of safety pants.

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