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    The second round of review before the college entrance examination has officially ended. At the same time as the third round of sprints began, the second three exams came.

    Xia Chenxi got full marks on her English listening test last time. General purpose and information are not used at all. She didn’t use her scores at all. She didn’t need to take the last test just in case she took the test. This day, she didn’t need the three tests. participated.

    People in a class with perfect scores in English listening are the same as her. Only those who did not have full scores in English listening, like Zhao Fuzhou, had to take the test once.

    The second three exams are on Friday, and those who don't need to take the exam will go home early on the weekend.

    Qin Yifeng came to Xia's house again that day, and worked with Xia Chenxi on homework, occasionally discussing topics.

    The college entrance examination questions in this province are not too difficult in the whole country, so the scores of the top picks are also quite high. Other provinces have notoriously difficult exam papers. Those papers were written by Qin Yifeng, and there is no guarantee that each subject will be close to full marks. The two faced some problems and had to study them together.

    In addition, Xia Chenxi felt that every time it was a research topic and asked Qin Yifeng, it was a bit too squeeze for him, so she still taught Qin Yifeng a lot of English topics.

    Qin Yifeng's English score is very good, with more than 140 points in each round. Most boys are slightly weaker in the subject of English. For example, Zhao Fenji, English is the worst. Qin Yifeng's English score is already top-notch among boys in science classes, but with Xia Chenxi every English test Compared with the full score, it doesn't seem so powerful.

    In the second round of review of English May 3, the teacher actually did not let them write a lot of topics. After all, the analysis of English topics is time-consuming, so Qin Yifeng's B version of May 3 still has a lot of vacant positions. Time is to proofread after writing. For some questions that were not analyzed in the reference answers, I asked Xia Chenxi to sort out the knowledge points that I did not remember.

    His composition score can get 29-30 points every time, in fact, it is already very high, that is, a few wrong questions in the front, Xia Chenxi occasionally talks about a few topics to him, and it will not affect the progress of his study.

    After studying for a day on Friday, Qin Yifeng tentatively said: "Do you want to come to my house tomorrow? I think every time you come back to your house to study, it’s not very good to have a meal."

    He comes every Saturday morning. , Lunch and dinner are also eaten at Xia’s family. After a long time, I am a little embarrassed. Besides, I really want to take Xia Chenxi home...cough cough cough.

    Xia Chenxi stare at him, "What do you want? Do not together, you meet the parents thinking about things? Squad leader, you are very careful machine recently ah!"

    "Not meet the parents, is that every time you have to Auntie is too enthusiastic when eating at home is not good." Qin Yifeng said embarrassingly.

    "My mother is enthusiastic about you, it's not that you are a son-in-law, it's because your family is rich, and your dad has a business relationship with my dad, what are you embarrassed about?" Xia Chenxi pouted, "Speaking of which, you gave me the winter vacation. The tutoring received so little money, and our family still owes you." You

    must know that at this time, if you ask a tutor for one-to-one tuition, you usually have to start at 200 for a class of two to three hours, or the average tutoring. kind. Qin Yifeng was very efficient at giving her lessons at the time. She was asked to write questions in the middle of a class, which would waste some time. His time in class was all about explaining topics and summarizing knowledge points.

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