Chapter One

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Getting broken up with sucks. I've only had to go through it once before, with my high school boyfriend, and we had only dated for seven months. In sophomore year. But this? This is way worse. Greer and I had been dating for the past two years. We had even considered moving in together not even a month ago, and then I get some lousy text saying we need to talk? And then, he just tells me he's done. Just like that. Two years gone — wasted. And he couldn't even wait another three weeks to go to the show case with me, knowing damn well that I need a plus one. What a dick.

           My room is currently a mess. It looks like my closet and cosmetics drawer has thrown up everywhere. The lights are off, so only the glow of my makeup mirror light up the small area, casting a loom over everything, long shadows everywhere.

          I can here Sadie on the phone down in the kitchen, her voice sharp and bossy. She's talking to her brother, which one, I'm not sure, but the way she's practically yelling gives it away. Probably Kolby. The twins are two years younger than her and I, starting their second semester of their Senior year in a whopping two days. Her and Kolby have always been closer, what with only eleven months separating the two of them.

         I don't even realize she's stopped yelling until my door busts open, and there she is, standing in a halo of light, her blondish-reddish hair is nothing but a knot on the top her head, and she's in a pair of boxers and a tee shirt that's way to big for her. The front boasts Calum's football team — Kolby's shirt then.

         "Hi," I say to her as a run the straightener through my hair for the second time. I love my mother, and the beautiful dark coils she and her African heritage gifted me, but sometimes I wish I had inherited her curves instead of her hair, because I've been at this for an hour now, and I've hardly made any progress.

        Sadie smiles at me, her dimples appearing as she skips over to my bed, diving onto the mattress, grabbing one of my stuffed animals and using it as prop for her head. "I am officially the bestest best friend one could ever ask for," she says, tucking her fist under her chin.

        I smile back at her in my mirror, concentrating on not burning my hair, hand, or neck.

          Sadie makes a noise— something like a whine and a gasp, "Are you going to ask me why or not?"

          "Hold on," I say, grabbing the last piece of hair left to straighten. I glide the straightener down it, following behind it with my brush. Once I'm done, I turn it off and lay it down on my desk, and then turn to fully face my bestest best friend. Ever.

           Sadie waits on me, not-so-patiently. Her feet are wiggling behind her on the bed, but other than that, the only indication of her impatience is her wide eyes. "Ready?"

           I nod, smothering a laugh as Sadie animatedly launches into her tale, "Ok, so, first I called Jess, 'cus Raya just dumped him — what a bitch, I'm kinda glad she's out of the picture now, I mean, she was always saying something about —."


                She blinks, and then resumes her smile, and her story, "Anyways, I figured he would be a good choice, ya know? Plus, he's a senior in high school, going out with an older woman would give him hella street cred, but he said he and Raya were going out tonight, too, and I quote, see if they can work things out." Sadie rolls her eyes, "Ugh, can you believe him?"

              I arch a brow. Sadie likes to talk. I honestly think she could make a full blown conversation with a wall.

               "So I'm not going with Jess, ok," I say, nodding my head, "So, assuming I'm going with one of the Bradford brothers, then, that leaves Drew and Kolby, so which one of them will be gracing my presence tonight?" I'm kind of hoping it's Drew, he's the quietest of the four of them, and of the three brothers, probably the one most likely to take the show case tonight seriously. He's not into art or anything, but he is good at reading a room, playing a part.

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