Chapter Six

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Braden's sprawled out on my bed when I get back from class, his hands tucked behind his head, feet propped up on the headboard, smiling way too wide at me as I drop my bag onto the floor.

He wiggles his eyebrows, his smile growing even more. "So . . ."

"So?" I arch my brow, plopping down at my desk since the bastard is on my bed.

He flips over onto his stomach so that's he's facing me. He looks like a giddy little kid on Christmas morning. He's in a wife beater, so I can see the entirety of his arm tats, spiraling up onto his shoulders and the base of his neck. I grimace, remembering Sadie saying how she wanted to lick them. Ugh.

"What'd you do Friday night after you left the bar?" He asks lightly, making a show of picking at his nails as his big gray eyes flicker between me and his hands.

             My heart stutters. For the past four days I've tried to get exactly what I did Friday night banished from my mind. But, it seems my fingers have minds of their own, considering the texts I had shot to Indigo when I left my last class of the day — Psychology II.

              "Why?" Indigo's gasping face flashes through my mind, and I quickly think about something — anything else — to distract me from the way her hips had grinded against mine. My mom's sushi casserole is what comes to mind, and instead of fighting a semi, I'm now fighting the urge to throw up.

           He shrugs. He's always so good at playing the innocent guy, putting on the perfect façade of gentleman meets stoner in such a odd way. "I'm just talking, man."

            I scoff, "You don't just talk, Braden," I say. Which, to an extent, is true. Sure, he shoots the shit just like the rest of us guys in the house, but he's no busy body, that's for sure.

          Finally, he sighs, running a hand over his mouth before looking me dead in the eye, "Did you or did you not have sex in your truck after leaving the bar?"

           I don't think my heart is beating. Genuinely, I think it's stopped dead in my chest. Hell, I'm surprised I'm still standing upright, still  breathing in my nose and out my mouth. My mouth, which is dry, dry as the Sahara dessert.

          "Do what?" I ask, trying my best to sound confused, but the words are hoarse and my throat is too tight.

          He smiles, nodding to himself, "Thought so." His smile turns wicked, and his grey eyes gleam in delight, "And since the girl you left the bar with just so happens to be Indigo . . ."

              "Don't say anything," I plead, "Fuck, Sadie would kill me."

                Braden laughs as he crawls off my bed, slapping me on the shoulder, "My lips are sealed."

• • •


Well fuck me sideways if my heart doesn't jump into my throat. As soon as her name pops up in my phones screen, another memory of Friday flashes across my mind. This time she's bouncing up and down on me, her head thrown back as she grips my shoulders, breathless moans falling from her mouth. Immediately I'm sporting a semi, but it's too late for me to care. I'm studying, my books all laying open on my bed. I'm a law student, though admittedly I have no idea what type of lawyer I want to be. I've considered defense attorney, but the more I dive into the world of lawyering, I realize how many options there are.

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